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Tubal Reversal
Charles W. Monteith M.D Tubal Reversal Doctor

Charles W. Monteith M.D., Medical Director

Tubal Reversal Surgery Explained

Tubal ligation reversal at our specialty center is affordable and successful.

We are able to keep reversal affordable because the surgery is performed in our outpatient surgery center. No overnight hospital stay is required! Most doctors only offer reversal in a hospital and this makes reversal surgery way more expensive.

We are able to provide our patients with a high degree of success because we exclusively specialize in tubal ligation reversal and vasectomy reversal.

Our patients have an unequaled surgical experience. We provide safe and exceptional patient care. If you do not believe us then we encourage you to read the Patient Satisfaction and Patient Testimonial sections of our website. If you need more proof then we encourage you to read our Google Reviews. You can also get reviews direct from previous patients by asking them on popular social media websites.

Our success, affordability, and patient satisfaction scores are a few reasons why our patients travel from all across the Untied States and other parts of the world to have tubal ligation reversal surgery at our center in Raleigh, North Carolina.

When your tubes are tied your doctor performed a surgery intended to cause a permanent blockage in your fallopian tubes. We believe permanent does not have to be forever. If you can use surgery to cause a blockage then you can use surgery to repair a blockage!

The countless number of couples who have experienced success at our reversal center are a testimony that tubal ligation can be reversed if you see an experience surgeon who is dedicated to repair the most complication tubal ligation procedures.

Tubal reversal surgery can be very successful at restoring your natural fertility, allowing you the chance to become pregnant every month, and providing you the ability to become pregnant more than once. We have many patients who have had multiple additional babies after reversal surgery at our center.

Tubal Reversal Experience Counts!

Our practice is exclusively dedicated to infertility surgery and we have performed tubal surgery on over 15,000 patients since 1997. Our surgical techniques have a proven track record of success and we have pioneered techniques that allow the surgery to performed outside of a hospital setting and with faster recovery.

We are responsible for more successful tubal reversal surgeries and more tubal reversal babies than any other reversal center in the world.

Baby wearing Tubal Reversal shirtTypes of Tubal Ligations: Can Tubes Be Reversed?

What types of tubal ligations can be reversed? In our experience, most tubal ligation procedures can be reversed. The only tubal ligation that cannot be reversed is when the doctor removes both of the fallopian tubes.

All tubal ligation procedures will cause blockage of the fallopian tube. Our experience has demonstrated that 96% of tubal ligations can be reversed and provide patients with good chances at natural pregnancy.

Even if you have had tubal coagulation (bipolar or monopolar burning), ligation and resection (Parkland, Irving, Pomeroy, or Uchida procedures), tubal rings (Falope or Yoon rings), tubal clips (Filshie or Hulka clips), or hysteroscopic tubal occlusion (Essure or Adiana procedures), we are able to reverse these tubal ligations in over 98% of our patients.

If you want a better understanding of all types of tubal ligation then we encourage you to read: What types of tubal ligation procedures can be reversed?

If you want to see if you are a candidate for reversal surgery at our center then you should send us your tubal ligation operative reports for a free review. This will allow us to determine with greater certainty if someone is a candidate for tubal reversal surgery.

If you would like more information on how to get your tubal ligation records and send your records for a free review then we encourage you to read: Getting started with tubal reversal surgery

How Is Tubal Ligation Reversed?

how-is-tubal-ligation-reversed-by-dr-monteithSince most of our patients travel to see us we perform most of our evaluation and scheduling using phone, email, and fax. Patients will then travel to us and spend 2 to 3 days at our facility. Surgery is done in our extremely clean and professionally maintained surgical facility.

Patients stay in nearby hotels in one of the most popular areas of Raleigh.

For more information on the hotels around our center: Tubal reversal where to stay when having surgery with Dr Monteith

Our surgical process is extremely streamlined. All scheduling is done by phone and email.

  • The pre-operative consult is the afternoon of the first day.
  • The reversal surgery is the morning of the second day.
  • The post-operative visit is the morning of the this day.

Patients are then free to return home after their postoperative visit.

The price of success is just three days and two nights in Raleigh North Carolina. Many people spend more time and money on week’s long vacation than they do with tubal reversal surgery at our center.

We reverse tubal ligations through a small 2 to 4 inch incision made just above the pubic hair line. The surgery is out-patient and lasts approximately 60 minutes.

Patients then return to one of the hotels near our center to recover and they are seen in our office for a post-operative evaluation the day after surgery.

After the post-operative evaluation, patients then return home and can attempt to become pregnant as soon as they feel comfortable. Most of our patients can return to work within 7 to 10 days and most will become pregnant within the first 12 months of having reversal surgery.

For a more technical description of how tubal ligations are reversed at our facility:
Microsurgical Tubal Anastomosis and Tubal Implantation.

Although it is easy to add up the cost of traveling to have surgery, your experience with becoming a mom again will be priceless.

Does Reversing Tubes Really Work?

Tubal reversal surgery at our center can be successful and can provide patients with an alternative treatment to in-vitro fertilization. Tubal reversal allows you a chance to become pregnant every month and over many months these chances add up and, unlike IVF, tubal reversal allows you the chance to become pregnant more than once.

In our experience approximately 2 out of 3 of our patients will become pregnant after reversing their tubes.

We have comprehensive pregnancy statistics after tubal reversal collected from over 10,000 of our reversal patients.The American Society for Reproductive Medicine has consistently issued committee opinions on the role and effectiveness of tubal surgery.1

Our patients continually update us with reports documenting their pregnancy success.

Baby in SockCan Your Tubal Be Reversed?

Most tubal ligations can be reversed and we have every reason to believe yours can as well. We have been able to successfully reverse tubes in over 98% of patients who travel to our facility.

If you would like to read personal comments left by our patients then look through our Testimonials and Patient satisfaction messages.

You will see comment after comment testifying to the success of our reversal surgery.

Do not delay your decision to have tubal reversal!

  • Each year you wait to have reversal surgery you lose 12 chances to become pregnant.
  • Each year you become older those monthly chances become less.

The longer you wait then the more you are hurting your chances of becoming a mom again. Each year you lose 12 chances and each year you get older those monthly chances decrease.

We are not trying to scare you but only stating what we all know to be true. The chances of pregnancy decrease with age and this is true with both tubal reversal surgery and in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

Most women mistakenly think that after age 35 it is harder to become pregnant. In our experience natural pregnancy is harder with increasing age but that only becomes most apparent after the age of 43. Our oldest patient to become naturally pregnant was 48 years of age!

Act sooner rather than later because your chances of pregnancy may depend on it!

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Looking to get pregnant or repair blocked tubes? Considering a vasectomy reversal? Take the first step.
Get personalized attention and evaluations for free.

Tubal Reversal CenterMore Information About Tubal Reversal

We have attempted to provide our patients with extensive information about tubal reversal surgery.

If you would like more medically specific information about tubal reversal at our center then we encourage you to view the For Physicians section of our website. This section was created for referring health care providers and it provides more medically detailed information about our care, dedication to patient safety, and surgical services.


1. Committee opinion: role of tubal surgery in the era of assisted reproductive technology. American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Fertility Sterility 2012;97:539-45.

Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Our Facilities

Warm and inviting our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

Birth Announcements

“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

– Saratoga Springs, New York

Birth Announcements

“You are my heroes. We can never thank you enough.”

– Ontario, Canada

Birth Announcements

We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

Birth Announcements

“Ivy is our second Monteith Miracle!”

– APO, Armed Forces Europe

Birth Announcements

“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

– Colorado Springs, Colorado

Birth Announcements

“Thank you for making our dreams come true!”

– Nebo, North Carolina


Ask The Doctor

Your questions about reversal surgery will be answered directly and promptly by Dr. Monteith. Please read our most frequently asked questions before submitting your questions. Dr. Monteith will not respond to general medical questions or if you are a patient of another doctor and are contacting him because your doctor is unavailable.* If you have been a patient at our reversal center and have specific questions about your medical care you should contact the reversal staff directly at (919) 977-5050.

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Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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What Would You Like to Schedule?

Tubal Reversal Or Essure Reversal

Vasectomy Reversal

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