“Our twin girls, Shayna Lyn & Shayla Milagros, were born January 26, 2012.”
Posted 11th February, 2012
Hello Dr Berger,
We’ve had success! This was a tumultuous high risk twin pregnancy from beginning to end. Our identical twin girls, Shayna Lyn & Shayla Milagros, were born January 26, 2012, 6lbs 7 oz and 5lbs 4 oz respectively.
Long story very short. They were in separate sacs but shared the same placenta with Baby B having a Velamentous Cord Insertion. It was thought to be Momo twins, then twin to twin transfusion pregnancy with Baby B Shayla not making it, but thankfully none of that panned out and we have our beautiful twins.
This was unbelievable to us as we thought it was impossible since we had tried for so long previously. Thank you kindly for happy beginnings.
Carolyn P.
Stafford Virginia
Doctor who performed ligation reversal surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of your ligation reversal: November, 2007
Current Age: 43
Date of Baby’s Birth: January 26, 2012
Baby’s Name: Shayna Lyn and Shayla Milagros
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 6lbs 7oz and 5lbs 4 oz
Number of pregnancies since TR: 2
Outcome of previous pregnancy: IVF: March, 2010, live birth November 23rd, 2010
More Information on Twins After Tubal Ligation Reversal