A Life Changing Experience With A Personal Choice!
Our miracle baby is here!!!
My husband and I decided after our second baby in 2017 that we were all done having children, but realized this past year that we just weren’t officially done.
Finding A Personal Choice and Dr. Monteith has been absolutely life changing. We were met with kindness and professionalism that is unmatched when arriving to the clinic, and any worries or concerns we had were immediately gone!
Dr. Monteith was able to save 10cm of each tube and we were pregnant two weeks after surgery!!
Clifford Jacob joined our family on 08/08/23 weighing 9lb 4.8oz and 21 inches long. He’s a BIG healthy boy who defied odds by being born with two knots in his cord, but completely safe and healthy!
He is such a blessing and we are forever grateful for this experience. We would recommend A Personal Choice to anyone considering a reversal to grow their family!!!
Patient age: 35
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Buffalo, Minnesota