Tubal Reversal Works: Don’t Wait Too Long!
We had a great experience with Dr. Monteith and the staff at A Personal Choice. We’re so blessed to call these two ours. Don’t wait and schedule now!
Patient age: 33
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Mount Vernon, Ohio
Tubal Reversal Can Be Very Successful…If You Dont Wait!
Most people are not aware tubal reversal surgery can be very successful. The American Society for Reproductive Medicine believes:
“Tubal reversal surgery has a significantly higher cumulative pregnancy rate than IVF, and is more cost efficient, even in women 40 years of age or older.”
What does this mean in easy to understand language?
Tubal reversal surgery has a significantly higher cumulative pregnancy rate than IVF….translation….over time tubal reversal can add up to provide a higher chance of pregnancy than IVF (in-vitro fertilization) because each month you have a chance to become pregnant with reversal. Over time these monthly chances add up!
With tubal reversal you have a chance each month. The older you become the ability to become naturally pregnant does decline. The longer you wait then the more monthly chances you are wasting.
Although it is common to doubt if tubal reversal will really work for you, tubal reversal is far more affordable than IVF. A single cycle of IVF is about 38% effective. Tubal reversal averages 60% to 70% success and is half the cost of a single cycle of IVF!
Take this mom’s advice….“Don’t wait and schedule now!”