“Only one tube was repairable but seven months later we were pregnant.”

Posted 9th August, 2011
We are so blessed! I had had 4 previous c-sections and many tubal reversal surgeons would not perform a tubal reversal surgery for us but Dr. Monteith agreed to do it with the understanding that scar tissue may prevent access to my tubes.
I had little scar tissue but only one tube was repairable due to the loss of one of my fimbria during my TL. Nevertheless, Dr. Monteith was very hopeful for us. Seven months later, we were pregnant!!! On 8-1-11, we were blessed with the most perfect baby boy, Erickson Miles! Our entire family is so in love with him and our family is now complete!
Thanks again Dr. Monteith and A Personal Choice!
Ashli and Eric S.
Spring Hill, Tennessee
Doctor who performed surgery: Dr. Monteith
Ligation method: Resection (tied or cut)
Date of tubal reversal: 4-14-10
Current Age: 33
Date of positive pregnancy test: 12/11/2010
Date of Baby’s Birth: 8-1-11
Baby’s Name: Erickson Miles
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 7lbs 4 oz
Baby’s Length: 20 in
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1
More Information on Pregnancy with One Fallopian Tube