“My second tubal reversal baby boy.”
Posted 27th August, 2010
Current Age (optional): 35
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of tubal reversal: 09/19/2005
Positive pregnancy test: 12/19/2009
Date of Baby’s Birth: 08/20/2010
Baby’s Name: Aiden David
Baby’s Weight: 6 pounds 15 ounces
Baby’s Length: 19 inches
Number of pregnancies since TR: 2
Outcome of previous pregnancies: live birth
Melissa C.
Alton, New Hampshire
Posted September 20th, 2006
Dear Dr. Berger, On my 31st birthday, you performed a tubal reversal. Today is my 32nd birthday. I am happy to tell you that I am holding my beautiful 6 week old baby boy, Evan! Thank you for making this possible. My husband and I are thrilled with the results!
More Information on Tubal Reversal Baby