Good Things Take Time
Little Miss Lily took us 5.5 years to conceive. After 3 years of trying and going to several drs appointments to try and help us get our second tubal reversal baby we just gave up. She completes our family we fill full.
Little miss lily was born 6 weeks early because of preeclampsia she weighed 9.8 pounds and was 22.5 inches long. Our sweet baby girl had to spend 6 days in the nicu because her sugar kept dropping. She is now home and doing great.
We are so great full for all that you all have done for us. Because of each and everyone of you we now have our 2 baby girls. To all the mommas and daddies trying for their tubal reversal babies we just wanna say don’t give up it will happen.
It may take some of us longer then others but these sweet precious baby’s are well worth the wait .
Patient age: 38
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Bradford, Ohio