Tubal Reversal Surgery and Miracles!
Thank you Dr. Monteith!
From our tubal reversal surgery to the birth of our beautiful baby girl we only had to wait a year! She truly is a miracle and we are so grateful for your work and your part in this special new life!
Patient age: 31
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Williamson, New York
More information: Other New York patient pregnancy testimonials
Do you have your tubes tied? Would you like a miracle baby?
Dr. Monteith is a sterilization reversal expert who offers patients affordable tubal ligation reversal surgery in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Patients travel to have surgery with Dr. Monteith from across the United States because of his exclusive dedication to reversal surgery and because having surgery with him is far more affordable than having either in-vitro fertilization treatment or tubal surgery in their home town.
If you would like more information about reversing your tubal ligation, including the cost of reversal success rates of surgery, then enter your email address below and the staff of A Personal Choice will send you an email containing more information.
A Personal Choice will only send you one email, will not use your email for any other purpose, and you will not be contacted for any other reason.
Need personal advice about tubal reversal?
Many women will regret having a tubal ligation and many will consider restoring their natural fertility with reversal surgery.
Women who need more personal advice are encouraged to join
Dr. Monteith’s public Facebook group:
Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice
Women who would like a free tubal reversal consultation are encourage to call Dr. Monteith’s office at (919)968-4656 if they would like to talk more with a staff member about having tubal reversal surgery.