God Knows What Is Best!
Our Monteith miracle has arrived. Our hearts are bursting with joy over the birth of our beautiful baby boy.
When my husband and I met 6 years ago I told him I was no longer able to have children. He became a wonderful father to my daughter who is now 13, but there was a piece missing. God knew exactly what would complete our hearts and He brought us across Dr Monteith’s page one day.
I had never entertained the idea of the possibility of being able to untie my tubes. I had some doubts and fears at first but after much prayer God made His answer clear and we started on this incredible journey.
Surgery was successful and I left with 10cm on each side. This journey has not always been easy but it was definitely worth it. We suffered 2 losses before our beautiful rainbow.
As I sit here with my miracle rainbow baby boy I thank God, Dr Monteith, and the Personal Choice staff.
God bless.
Patient age: 41
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Southern Pines, North Carolina