Big Tubal Reversal Baby!
After 2 years we welcome our first big tubal reversal baby. He is a blessing.
I went to work on Thursday morning figuring it to be my last day because the doctor had decided to induce me on Friday morning. Got to work, was filling out leave paperwork when I started having contractions. Didn’t think anything of them because they barely hurt but they were 4 minutes apart to start. I took my time with the paperwork and finally left for the day around noon. I drove myself home 45 minutes. Called my husband to be ready to go to the hospital. Arrived at hospital about 1:30 and was emitted with contractions 2 minutes apart. This is where it got fun.
They checked me and I was only 2cm dilated. Soon as she checked my water broke. I said no epidural. After hours of labor I was not dialating I was stuck at 4 for HOURS. The gave me pitocin to try to help me along. Nothing. The Doctor said lets give you an epidural to see if that helps baby move things along. Baby’s heart rate started dropping with every contraction. He was stuck trying to come with no room for him since I wasn’t disliking the way I should.
The Doctor said lets do an emergency C-Section. So at 12:13 am October 6th my little prince was born via c-section weighing 10lbs 4oz. 21 3/4 inches long. His head was 15 inches. Doctor said as big as he was I never would have been able to get him out without major issues. Doctor and Nurses were taking bets in the operating room on how much he weighed!
Thank you Dr. Monteith and the loving staff at A Personal Choice for my miracle baby! My HUGE miracle baby!!
Patient age: 36
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: Jacksonville, North Carolina
More information: Big tubal reversal babies