“Our blessing from A Personal Choice.”

Posted 28th July, 2011
Our beautiful blessing, Daniel, was born at 37 weeks. I developed preeclampsia, otherwise he could have gone full term! What a blessing we found when we came across the A Personal Choice website back in 2003!
Sherry K.
Creston, Iowa
Doctor who performed your successful tubal reversal: Dr. Berger
Date of tubal reversal: August 2003
Date of positive pregnancy test: January 17,2011
Date of Baby’s Birth: July 20, 2011
Baby’s Name: Daniel
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 7lb 3 1/2 oz.
Baby’s Length: 21″
Number of pregnancies since TR: 2
Outcome of previous pregnancies: healthy boy born @ 33 weeks in 2004
Tubal ligation method: Tubes tied and cut
More Information on Successful Tubal Reversal