“Words cannot express how grateful we are to you Dr. Monteith.”
Posted 30th September, 2012
Words cannot express how grateful we are to you Dr. Monteith. Laysei has completed our family and without you and the miracles you perform our family wouldn’t be complete. We are so grateful to have the joy of two wonderful babies in our lives. We cherish every moment.
Thank You Dr. Monteith and God Bless,
Tiffany and Dean M.
Cambridge, Ohio
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 04/28/2010
Positive pregnancy test: 01-24-2012
Date of Baby’s Birth: 09/10/2012
Baby’s Name: Laysei Jo Nathanya
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 7 lbs 15.8 oz
Baby’s Length: 20 inches
Number of pregnancies since TR: 6
Outcome of previous TR pregnancies: miscarriages and a Baby Boy on 2/17/2011
Ligation method: Resection (tied or cut)
More Information on how Tubal Reversal Makes Families Complete