“Reversing tubal rings is possible and provides one of the highest chances of pregnancy after tubal reversal. Baby Savanna provides proof!”
Posted June 1st, 2011
This photo of baby Savanna was sent to us by her proud parents, Tracey and Chris.
Savanna was born after a surgical procedure was performed to remove Tracey’s fallopian tube rings. After removal or the tubal rings and micro-surgically rejoining the closed tubal ends natural pregnancy can then occur.
The chances of pregnancy after tubal ring reversal can be as high as 72%. By comparison, IVF chances of pregnancy are approximately 35% for each cycle attempted.
The staff of A Personal Choice would like to congratulate Tracey and Chris on their pregnancy success. We wish their family the best!
Photo provided by Tracey L.
Johnsburg, Illinois
Tubal Reversal Information
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Method of tubal ligation: Tubal rings
Date of your tubal reversal: 09/02/2010
Date of Baby’s Birth: 05/26/2011
Baby’s Name: Savanna Lynn
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 6lbs. 14oz.
Baby’s Length: 20 inches