“We delivered a very healthy baby boy.”

Posted 2nd June, 2011
Hi Dr Monteith, We delivered a very healthy baby boy on 5/21/2011!! He is such a miracle. 10 lbs 1.75 oz, 22 in. Do you have shirts that fit a baby that big?
Thank you again! Thank you so much for doing what you do! We already can’t imagine life without him!!
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Ligation method: Resection (tied or cut)
Date of your tubal reversal: 12/28/2009
Date of positive pregnancy test: 09/07/2010
Date of Baby’s Birth: 05/21/2011
Current Age: 35
Baby’s Name: Presley Gage
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 10 lbs 1.75 oz
Baby’s Length: 22 in
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1st
Update posted May 23rd, 2012
My husband and I decided to have a tubal since we had to have a c-section with our 3rd. I was immediately depressed and starting searching for options. I heard that a tubal could be reversed, so I looked for the best place to get that done! I only had my tubes tied for 5 months and the depression left immediately once my reversal was performed.
We did not plan on having more children, but I became pregnant 8 months after my reversal. Last May, I gave birth to this amazing baby boy. Only God knew that he would take my dad from me the very next week and I believe Presley truly was our gift from Him. I cannot imagine the past year without him in my life!! I know you hear it all the time, but we cannot thank you enough for all that you do. By the way, he has had 3 substantial haircuts already.
Donna R.
Harrington, Delaware
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