“Proof pregnancy is possible with only one tube reversed.”

Posted 6th October, 2012
Often women will ask us if natural pregnancy is possible after having only one fallopian tube reversed. The answer is pregnancy is definitely possible with only one tube repaired.
This photo of baby Cali Mae was sent to us by her mother Rachelle.
Rachelle had reversal of only one tube and was able to conceive and deliver this beautiful little baby. Her photo is proof pregnancy is possible with only one tube reversed.
Update Posted November 6th, 2013
Good afternoon, Dr. Monteith.
I just wanted to send you an updated pictures of Cali Mae.
She turned a year old on October 4th. She is definitely the love of our lives. We thank you every single day (true story).
Update Posted March 21st, 2014
Hi Dr. Monteith!
Here is an updated picture of Cali Mae. I thought you would want to see her little Irish self on St. Patrick’s Day!
Words can’t express ….
Rachele R.
Cornelius, North Carolina
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 06/24/2010
Current Age: 40
Positive pregnancy test: 2/6/2012
Date of Baby’s Birth: 10/04/2012
Baby’s Name: Cali Mae
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 7lbs 3.5oz
Baby’s Length: 19″
Number of pregnancies since TR: 3
Outcome of previous TR pregnancies: 1 ectopic / 1 m/c
Ligation method: Resection (tied or cut)