Our Monteith Miracle Baby Is Here!
Our Monteith Miracle was born at 36 weeks via a non-eventful c-section. She weighed in at 7lbs 3ounces and measured 20 inches long. We are in love!
We went through so much to have her. Before my tubal reversal in December of 2021, we attempted IVF. IVF did not work for us. It resulted in a prolonged miscarriage and failed transfer.
We consulted with a new IVF clinic and to our surprise, the doctor asked why we hadn’t considered a tubal reversal. We had been told by two prior fertility clinics that reversals was not an option for us, but this new doctor thought I would be good a candidate for reversal and in a moment that forever changed my life, he recommended Dr. Monteith.
I had my reversal surgery paid for and scheduled just a few days later.
In December of 2021, I had a laparoscopy and tubal reversal surgery. I did the laparoscopy because of my three prior c-sections and prior uterine rupture. I was worried there would be too much damage and scar tissue for a reversal to be possible. I was over the moon when I woke up from reversal surgery and discovered that Dr. Monteith was able to save 9cm of fallopian tube on each side!
After reversal, it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine. We had an ectopic pregnancy treated with methotrexate in January of 2022, a chemical pregnancy in March of 2022, and a second ectopic pregnancy resulting in the loss of my left fallopian tube in July of 2022.
We tried to stay positive, but we had really started to lose hope. My left ovary is the only one that ovulates, and I had lost my left fallopian tube. People told us stories of how the remaining tube could still potentially catch an egg from the other side, but that seemed like something that happened to younger women, thinner women, women who exercised more, or women who didn’t have shorter tubes and scar tissue. It didn’t feel like a possibility for a women like me. I had zero faith left in my body to do what it was supposed to do.
In late September, we bought a new house. Our new home was built in the early 70’s and had never been updated. It is a lovely warm home in need of some serious renovations. We figured a baby wasn’t in the cards for us and we could dedicate our extra time and resources to remodeling.
God had other plans!
Two weeks after closing on our new home, I ordered some ovulation test that came with 10 pregnancy test. I don’t know why but even though it was too early in my cycle and late at night, I took a pregnancy test. I was so mad at myself for wasting one, I started to throw it away without waiting to see if a line appeared. As I picked it up, to throw it away and saw that beautiful second line!
It makes no sense! I must have conceived on my period? I must have ovulated super early?? No clue how it happened, but I am so grateful it did!
I was scared to death the entire time, but my pregnancy flew by. Finally, she is here, and being a mom again is better than I ever imagined.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Monteith! You are a God sent. I can’t thank you enough for making our dreams come true.
Patient age: 40
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: Tallahassee, Florida