“A heartfelt thank you for our 2 Berger Babies.”
Posted 21st July, 2012
Dear Dr. Berger,
You did my tubal reversal surgery way back in 2004, and I was just reflecting how quickly time has passed since then. My youngest is turning 2 on Sunday, and when I look back, I realize just how blessed we were to be given the chance of having more children.
I just wanted to send you a heartfelt thank you, and Jim and I want you to know that no matter how many years pass by, we will always remember that you made our family possible. I’ve attached a picture of my two “Berger Babies”. Allison was born 9/24/05 and Bailey was born 7/22/10.
Thank you so much!!!!
Stephanie and Jim G.
Queensbury, New York
Doctor who performed tubal ligation reversal: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal: 11/10/2004
More Information on Berger Babies