9th pregnancy 7th Reversal Baby after TR.
Posted 16th April, 2014
Dr. Berger did a phenomenal job. If somebody can work a miracle for you he would be the one.
Heather M.
Manchester, New Hampshire
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal: 3-24-2002
Date of Baby’s Birth: 12/21/2013
Baby’s Name: Ethan
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 7lb 12 oz
Baby’s Length: 21
Number of pregnancies since TR: 9
Outcome of previous TR pregnancies: 12-26-2002 birth, 4-2004 mc 12-21-2004 birth, 3-4-2007-birth ,3-23-09 birth, 2-10-11 birth, 7-3-12 birth