“Tubal reversal is more effective than in-vitro.”
Posted 17th February, 2013
Tubal reversal is definitely better than in-vitro. Why?
Tubal reversal is more affordable than in-vitro fertilization. Tubal reversal at our facility cost $6000 and in-vitro fertilization averages around $12,000 for each cycle.
Tubal reversal is more effective than in-vitro. With tubal reversal the chance of pregnancy are 60% and with IVF the chance is 35% to 40% with each cycle.
This photo of baby Garrett was sent by his mother, Desiree, who recently delivered her second tubal reversal baby and sent us this photo. Tubal reversal gives you a chance to become pregnant each month and more than once.
Desiree M.
Spring Branch, Texas
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 3/18/2009
Positive pregnancy test: 05/29/2012
Date of Baby’s Birth: 2/4/2013
Baby’s Name: Garrett
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 8lbs 15oz
Baby’s Length: 22inch
Number of pregnancies since TR: 3
Outcome of previous TR pregnancies: Jocelyn 6/2/10 and Wyatt 9/7/11
Ligation method: Tubal Resection (tied or cut)
More Information on Tubal Reversal vs IVF