Second Tubal Reversal Surgery Worked!
Dr. Monteith
This is our second tubal reversal baby and his big brother was born 2/3/2016
It was also my second tubal reversal surgery.
The first surgery done here in South Carolina failed.
Thank you for giving us a second chance!
Patient age: 44
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Walhalla, South Carolina
Don’t Make A Bad Decision: Go With Experience!
Many women will have tubal reversal surgery with their general Ob/Gyns , cheapest tubal reversal surgeon, or the tubal reversal doctor located near to them. This may seem like a good decision at the time…but trust us…this can be a big mistake!
Although it is understandable to want to have surgery near your hometown or to have the most affordable (cheapest) surgery you can find, you need to consider how will you really feel if the surgery does not work….what will be the emotional cost to you if your surgery fails.
Many women will say, “I will go to Dr So and So…because they should be given a chance…or because they will code the surgery in such a way that my insurance will pay for part….and if it does not work then at least I tried!”
Obviously this is a poor argument for making a poor decision and many of these women will think way differently in the future if their surgery is not successful. We see this ALL THE TIME…..
Often the reasons given are code for, “I want the cheapest surgeon I can find…but just don’t want to have to tell other people that cost is my only reason.”
We encourage you to watch the following video created by Dr. Monteith. He provides advice you should consider when picking a tubal reversal surgeon.