“Thank Dr. Monteith and the wonderful staff at A Personal Choice.”

Posted 9th December, 2011
Fimbriectomy is a rare tubal ligation procedure where the doctor completely removes the ends of the tube (fimbria) near the ovary. This sterilization procedure is not very common and many think it cannot be reversed successfully.
Fimbriectomy can be reversed and we have experience with reversal of this type of tubal ligation. We reverse fimbriectomy with an ampullary salpingostomy procedure. The chance of pregnancy after fimbriectomy reversal ranges from 15-50% and depends on many factors. The most important factor is the length of the tube after reversal.
We recently received this thank you from one of our tubal reversal patients who had salpingostomy procedures on both tubes. She became pregnant and recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, Kendall. She sent us this recent photo and a simple message of gratitude for the entire staff of A Personal Choice.
I would just like to Thank Dr. Monteith and the wonderful staff at A Personal Choice for this wonderful gift. You guys are the best!
Tonya J.
Fort Drum, New York
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 3/18/10
Positive pregnancy test: March 17 2011
Date of Baby’s Birth: 11/17/11
Current Age: 30
Baby’s Name: Kendall A’Niya
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 7 lbs 3 oz
Baby’s Length: 20 1/2
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1
Ligation method: Fimbriectomy
More Information on Fimbriectomy Reversal