Four Essure Reversal Babies!
I look back at these last 4 years and am still in shock at everything… I still remember the first time I heard of A Personal Choice how I could not believe there was a doctor who could actually reversed Essure and had a good success rate!
I went back to his website so often I swear there was a point that I knew it like the back of my hand.. I just had a feeling.
We tried for not even 3 months and then bam I was pregnant with my first beautiful reversal baby Lillyana mariee <3 we got a positive test.
I was so scared so excited so shocked! I was just so sick from Essure this man saved my life and gave me a chance to have 4 more beautiful. Miracle babies .. I couldn’t be more blessed thank you so much your amazing and I am truly thankful I chose you to do my surgery.
Anyway, I could write a novel about how amazing Dr Monteith is how genuinely nice his staff all are..
Thank you Charles W Monteith you are nothing but a blessing to so many of us! I will always recommend you hands down the best !! It was worth every penny my reverselwas 9/12/17 .. my beautiful miracle babies was born .
Lillyana 7/26/18 ,
Rylee 11/12/19 ,
Willow 12/4/20
Baby Anthony Jr aka AJ 1/28/22 .. đź’ťđź’–đź’ťđź’™
Patient age: 33
Tubal ligation type: Essure
Patient hometown: Woonsocket, Rhode Island