Reversing Essure: Its Possible!
A huge heart felt thank you to Dr. Montieth and staff for making our dreams come true.
Our little girl Ashtyn is truly a miracle. Keep up the great work !!
Patient age: 36
Tubal ligation type: Essure
Patient hometown: Hanover, Pennsylvania
Is Essure reversal possible?
Most doctors believe Essure reversal is not possible.
Dr. Monteith began performing Essure reversal procedures in 2008. Since then Dr. Monteith has performed over 250 Essure reversal surgeries.
He has carefully documented the success of his Essure procedure techniques in two case reports published within the Ob/Gyn medical journals and a larger cohort study in a popular Ob/Gyn medical journal demonstrating Essure reversal is possible.
Essure reversal is performed as an 80 minute outpatient procedure at Dr. Monteith’s surgical facility in Raleigh, North Carolina.
The chance of pregnancy after Essure reversal is 35% to 40%.
Doctors That Do Essure Reversal
In 2008 there were very few reversal doctors offering Essure reversal.
As Dr. Monteith continued to provide evidence of his success, many other reversal practices began listing Essure reversal on their website in an effort to keep up. The only problem is these doctors don’t provide evidence of their success and you rarely will find a patient of theirs who reports successful pregnancy after Essure reversal.
Is Essure reversal possible? To see the evidence of Dr. Monteith’s success:
Essure reversal pregnancy testimonials of A Personal Choice
There are many doctors who say they reverse Essure but there are none who provide the evidence of their Essure reversal success like Dr. Monteith does. If you would like more information about Essure reversal then call his office at (919)968-4656.