Blessed To Have Found Dr Monteith!
We are so thankful and blessed to have found Dr. Monteith who gave us the opportunity to grow our family.
Patient age: 36
Tubal ligation type: Essure
Patient hometown: Palmyra, Virginia
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What is Essure Birth Control?
Essure birth control is a newer form of tubal ligation. It is considered easier to do than tubal ligation but also is considered permanent. It is the newest form of tubal ligation first approved by the FDA in 2001.
The exact number of women who have undergone Essure is uncertain because the company, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, that manufactures the Essure device has not released this information. In December of 2018, Bayer Pharmaceuticals stopped manufacturing the Essure device and removed the Essure medical device from the US marketplace.
Medical studies have demonstrated many people who have sterilization will regret their procedure. As many as 1 out of very 3 women will regret their tubal ligation and about 1 out of every 10 men will regret their vasectomy procedure.
Many women will regret having Essure. Some want more children but, unfortunately, others have side effects from the Essure devices.
Is Essure birth control reversible?
Technically, Essure is considered permanent and irreversible but Dr. Monteith was the first surgeon in the world to prove it could be reversed.
Dr. Charles Monteith is located in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is widely known as one of the top Essure reversal surgeons in the world.
Patients travel from across the United States to have Essure birth control reversed with Dr. Monteith. Why?
Dr. Monteith published the first medical reports on successful pregnancy after an outpatient Essure reversal procedure.
Between 2008 to 2018, Dr. Monteith has performed over 450 surgical procedures to remove Essure devices. Overall the chance of pregnancy after reversal of Essure birth control with Dr Monteith is approximately 40%.
Dr. Monteith reverses all types of tubal ligation and he also reverses vasectomy procedures.
Dr Monteith specializes in Essure removal to help patients with Essure side-effects and he also specializes in Essure reversal procedure surgery to help couples become naturally pregnant again.
Dr. Monteith performs Essure reversal procedures during a safe 80 minute out-patient surgery.
More info: Essure reversal risks
The chance of pregnancy after reversal of Essure birth control with Dr. Monteith is 40%.
More info: Chances of pregnancy after reversing Essure
If you have asked yourself “Is Essure birth control reversible?” and would like to become one of Dr. Monteith’s Essure reversal success stories then visit his website for more information: A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal With Dr Monteith
Would you like more information about reversing Essure birth control?
If you are looking an Essure reversal surgery expert then you should consider Dr Monteith of A Personal Choice Reversal Center. A Personal Choice is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.
If you would like more information about reversing Essure birth control, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.
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Join our Facebook group?
Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:
Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice
By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.