Creating Something Beautiful Again
I want to thank God first and foremost for putting the spirit of charity wanting to help others on Dr Monteith because if it was any other way I wouldn’t be a mom with my third son.
I want to thank Dr. Monteith, and his staff. They have made me the happiest person on the planet.
I never thought me and my husband could create something so beautiful again.
If it be The Most Highs Will and if my body allows, this will NOT be my last tubal reversal baby. My Essure reversal was November 11th 2021 and my BFP (big fat pregnancy test) was January 6th 2022.
Little Levi was born via c-section at 5:57pm August 29,2022 and weighing 6lbs 3oz and 19inches long!
Patient age: 32
Tubal ligation type: Essure
Patient hometown: Columbus, Ohio