“Thank you for helping make our dreams of another baby come true.”

Posted 3rd January, 2012
Dr. Berger –
I know you hear this all the time but THANK YOU for helping make our dreams of another baby come true. During the c-section, the surgeon commented on your excellent work. As he was stitching me up, with his “magnavision” glasses on, he said that you did an awesome job with the resection. As he “rubbed” my tubes searching for the resection sites, he stated he couldn’t see them with his eye. And then made the comment that he’d bet you’d love to have a picture of my insides and how well they looked.
Thank you for the job well done!!!!! You’re famous!
Chassidy S.
Reidsville, North Carolina
Doctor who performed your reversal surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal: 3/23/2006, 12/28/2011
Date of positive pregnancy test: 05/07/2011
Date of Baby’s Birth: 12/29/2012
Baby’s Name: Hudson James
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 8lbs. even
Baby’s Length: 21 1/2″
Number of pregnancies since TR: 3/23/2006-(3 losses), 12/28/2011-(1 birth)
Outcome of previous pregnancies: three losses. one live birth almost a year exactly from last TR
More Information on having another Baby after Tubal Reversal