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“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

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“You are my heroes. We can never thank you enough.”

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We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

“Ivy is our second Monteith Miracle!”

– APO, Armed Forces Europe

“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

– Colorado Springs, Colorado

“Thank you for making our dreams come true!”

– Nebo, North Carolina

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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Daughter Arrived – Testimonial #746

“Our daughter has arrived…Our family has truly been blessed with this little girl!”

Our daughter has arrived!

Posted July 21, 2008

Our daughter has arrived!! Jazlyn Marie joined our family July 7, 2008 at 12:43 pm. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20″ long. She has a head full of hair and passed all her newborn tests with no concern! She was delivered via cesarean section. Recovery has been pretty smooth and it has been very nice to have all the help I have gotten.

Justin is just head over heels in love with his daughter and adjusting to all the new changes that come along with having a newborn. The boys, Caden and Braden, are so very proud to have a new sister added to our family! They love her and just adore every little thing about her.

I still look at her in such amazement, that WOW, we have our little angel here with us. What a miracle! After two miscarriages, I was pretty much paranoid throughout this pregnancy, and knew I wouldn’t stop until I was holding the newest love of my life in my arms! Our family has truly been blessed with this little girl!

We’ll keep you all updated on our little family!

Posted July 24th, 2008

Early into my relationship with my husband I found out how important it was to him to have children of his own. Although he was a great “Dad” already to my 2 young boys I knew getting a reversal was something we would look into in our future. After a year of marriage we spoke so often of me getting a tubal reversal. After researching online, we came across A Personal Choice . I was so afraid. We were looking for someone to do an operation on me….online!! I decided we should look and speak to local doctors. We were then referred to an Infertility doctor. Months then went on as we were just completely unsure of what to do. It would be twice as expensive to have the procedure done locally than it would to go with the “Dr” we had found online that specializes in TRs. Finally we made our decision, December 2006, we scheduled our TR with Dr. Gary Berger for January 8, 2007!!

January 8, 2007 came faster than we expected! We were all so excited yet nervous! Arriving with the other couples to CHTRC was nice, we were definitely not alone! The staff at the hotel, the driver, CHTRC staff and Dr. Gary Berger we amazing! All fears were completely gone and we felt comfort in knowing we did make the right decision!! Dr. Berger told us with our age, we were both 27 at the time of the TR, we should be pregnant within the first year of TR. Boy was he wrong! I’m sure I’m not the only one to say that; and not in a bad way! We got our first positive home pregnancy test just after one “cycle” after TR, yep, within the first month (Feb. 2007)!!! We were so excited! Although it ended in miscarriage (March 2007), I found comfort in knowing that “WE CAN GET PREGNANT!” The following month, we found out we got a gift from the Easter Bunny too, April 7, 2007 we got our 2nd positive home pregnancy test. Again it ended in miscarriage (end of April 2007), being I try my hardest to find the positive in all things, I dealt with another loss knowing BOTH TUBES ARE OPEN. It was time we took a break from our TTC bus and allow my body to heal from TR and 2 miscarriages.

In August of 2007 we decided it was time to start our TTC journey once again! After a few short months of TTC we found out we again were pregnant!! November 4, 2007 was our lucky day, we got our 3rd positive home pregnancy test!! Trying not to get too excited was probably the only problem I had at the beginning of our pregnancy! We saw our baby’s heart beat at 8 weeks and 2 days and there it was.

Karen D.

More Information on Daughter Arrived

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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