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The Lord Took Me to Chapel Hill – Testimonial # 719

“I told my testimony at church and to anyone else who would listen to me about Dr Berger and how the Lord took me to Chapel Hill.”

It is such a miracle!!!!!  I can’t wait to tell my baby boy HIS story one day.

Posted April 2nd, 2008

In June, 2005 I delivered what I thought was my last baby girl. That would make 3 girls to be exact! I thought my family was complete. My husband and I had had some rocky roads, as any couple may experience, and I was through having babies. I had my tubes tied immediately after my c-section, because I KNEW I wasn’t going to have any more children. I didn’t want any more children. I didn’t tell my husband, I just signed the consent form from my OBGYN and it was done. I had a wonderful summer with my new baby and 2 little girls at the pool and beach. I went back to work in September, full force, as a Registered Nurse Administrator of a huge 35 chair dialysis clinic, and an Acute Hospital Based Dialysis Program. I drove an hour to work everyday and put my whole heart and life into work for about a year.

It was September 2006 that I ended up in a nearby Emergency Room, in anaphylactic shock and scared myself almost to death. I remember having this feeling that life is so short, and recognizing that I really needed to better balance my life with work and my family. My husband and I began really bonding closer together, drawing closer to the Lord as well, and really started enjoying each other and our 3 precious daughters. I remember having feelings of wanting another child, but knew deep inside that it would never happen again, because my tubes had been tied. Oh, how I longed for another child and had this empty, dark, feeling that it would never happen again. I was scared to tell my husband that I had had my tubes tied, but I was convicted to do so. When I did, he said that he had been praying for another child, but I hadn’t become pregnant. Wow, it’s amazing how God can change your heart and desires, and you not even know what is going on.

I remember driving to work one winter morning about 2 months after my episode in the ER, November 2006, and I couldn’t hardly wait to get there to get on my computer and look up Tubal Reversal. I knew my OBGYN had told me in the past that getting my tubes tide was a DONE DEAL. Little did I know that Dr Berger and his team of wonderful professionals existed. My internet search took me directly to his website, and I read every page from top to bottom, and printed off all of the sheets and took them home and reread everything over again. I prayed and prayed like I had never before. I remember the spirit force that kept drawing me to this website everyday for nearly 3 weeks. I was hooked. I was so excited thinking that there might be a possibility of having another baby that I thought I would never want, nor have.

I called my mother and told her, thinking that she would think I was crazy. Being the spirit-led mother that she is, she said, “I knew that you were going to have another baby”. She didn’t know how, but she had had visions that I would have another child. I told my husband and he was so excited and told me to go for it.

I started the process and gathered everything Dr Berger needed and began corresponding with one of his many wonderful nurses online. What only took a few weeks seemed like an eternity, because I was eagerly wanting to get pregnant by now. I knew I was no spring chicken and I felt like time was ticking.

On February 16th, 2007, I had my tubal reversal surgery scheduled. The team that works with Dr Berger is ONE OF A KIND. You just don’t get that quality of care and have that nice/clean/quiet environment that I was exposed to at his office. I was so nervous, coming from a nursing background. I knew what all of the cons could be to having any kind of surgery, let alone, one that was elective. Of course, insurance wouldn’t pay for it, which I hope one day that it will, so I took my MasterCard and headed off to Chapel Hill with my mother. My husband stayed back at home with the other 3 children. I just can’t say enough of how great an experience the entire trip was. I really did experience some type of spirit or serene feeling that I had been there before. It’s hard to describe, but it makes me want to have the whole experience again.

Anyways, Sarah was my nurse that I had after my surgery. I remember thinking, I sure wish I could work somewhere like this everyday. She was glowing and you could tell that she loved her job as well as her patients. When I went in to speak with Dr Berger, I felt like I needed to explain why I was there. He had such a peace about him that made you just want to hug him and just spill your guts out to him. Am I ever so grateful and thankful for him and his entire team.

Well, after the speedy recovery, I headed home to get pregnant, and indeed I did. My last menstrual cycle was on March 27th, and I delivered a healthy Baby Boy – James Preston III – the same year on December 21st, 2007. The pregnancy was a rocky road full of unwanted news of dreadful tests and possible birth defects. Oh, how good is our God. I remained faithful and had the saying written at the end of my email address that read “Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.” Boy, was I stepping our in faith. I did grow stronger in the Lord as well as stronger to my husband during these more trying times than I thought I could bear. How could our Good Lord bring me to have a tubal reversal and give me an unhealthy child, or possibly a child that wouldn’t live. Like I said, it was such a rocky road, but ended so sweet.

I told my testimony at church and to anyone else who would listen to me about Dr Berger and how the Lord took me to Chapel Hill, and I remained faithful even in the lowest of times. I had everyone praying for me…..

There is so much that I have left out of this testimony but the most important thing that I can express is that first, Our God is Good, and second Dr Berger and his team have got to have the best job in the whole wide world. I would be so honored to work there to help all of these families that come from all over the world to have this tubal reversal procedure done. It is such a miracle!!!!! I can’t wait to tell my baby boy HIS story one day. He has 3 little mamas to take care of him and again we want to say THANK YOU.

With Honor and Respect,

Hollie R., RN, BSN
Facility Administrator for DaVita Dialysis of Wallace

More Information on Chapel Hill

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

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