“This photo of Baby Muhammad was sent to us by his proud parents Tulani and Gary.”

Posted 23rd July, 2011
Many women will have their tubes burned during a tubal ligation procedure. Medically the procedure for burning tubes is known as tubal coagulation. Tubal coagulation is a very common form of tubal ligation and it is possible to fix tubes that have been burned. The tubal reversal experts of A Personal Choice maintain an extensive database on tubal ligation reversal. Their pregnancy statistics demonstrate 66% of women will be able to become pregnant after a reversal of a tubal coagulation procedure.
This photo of Baby Muhammad was sent to us by his proud parents Tulani and Gary. Tulani had her tubes burned during her tubal ligation. She came for a reversal of this procedure in August of 2010. She quickly became pregnant and has sent us a photo of her pregnancy success!
Photo submitted by Tulani and Greg M.
Baltimore, Maryland
Doctor who performed surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of tubal reversal: 08/31/2010
Date of positive pregnancy test: 10/03/2010
Date of Baby’s Birth: June 2011
Baby’s Name: Muhammad
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1st
Ligation method: Coagulation (burned)
Tubal reversal is the most successful treatment for women wanting to get pregnant after having a tubal ligation.