“The opportunity to become parents once again.”
Posted 10th November, 2011
Thank you Dr. Monteith for helping aid us in this amazing process. We are so blessed and thankful to God and you for allowing us this opportunity to become parents once again. We are all so in love with little McKinley and there is not one thing we would do differently. Our boys who are 7 and 6 are just as in love with their new baby sister as we are.
Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts. Forever grateful
Jennifer and Gary W.
Cherryville, North Carolina
Doctor who performed your surgery: Dr. Monteith
Date of your tubal reversal: 08/04/2008
Date of Baby’s Birth: 11/01/2011
Baby’s Name: McKinley Grace
Baby’s Gender: Female
Baby’s Weight: 7lbs 15 oz
Baby’s Length: 20″
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1
Ligation method: Tubal Coagulation (burned tubes)
More Information on Burned Tubes