Baby Born Six Years After Tubal Reversal
Posted 11th July, 2012
How long does it take to get pregnant after tubal ligation reversal? This question is often asked by women on the Tubal Reversal Message Board and the A Personal Choice Facebook group. The answer is that it is unpredictable. Some women get pregnant within weeks of their reversal procedure, while for others it may not happen for years. This Birth Report illustrates the point, since six years passed from the time of tubal ligation reversal surgery to the birth of a baby. Finally, this tubal reversal patient of Dr. Berger is able to write:
“Thank you Dr Berger! I feel very blessed.. :)”
Celina R.
Woodbury. Minnesota
Doctor who performed your reversal surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal: June, 2005
Current Age: 44
Date of Baby’s Birth: 09/29/11
Baby’s Name: Michael Anthony
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 7 lbs 8 oz
Baby’s Length: 22 inches
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1
More Information on Pregnancy Years After Reversal