Adiana Reversal Surgery With Dr. Monteith
A Personal Choice is beyond amazing! Throughout our entire process with them from the beginning to the very end, they were all great! The nurses were always prompt on calling me back, the doctor was thorough, honest, kind and compassionate. He was not misleading in any way and made us fully aware of what we were choosing to do and our chances at this procedure.
After having our procedure in late September 2017 and we were pregnant by mid October! I am due in July 2018 and couldn’t be more ecstatic! Our only regret is we wish we would have done this in the very beginning, opposed to going through IVF twice.
Thank you Personal Choice for removing my Adiana implants successfully!
Patient age: 35
Tubal ligation type: Adiana
Patient hometown: Flatrock, Michigan
Adiana Reversal Surgery: What Is Adiana?
Adiana tubal occlusion is one of the newer forms of permanent birth control.
The Adiana procedure is very similar to Essure tubal occlusion and can be done in a doctor’s office. During an Adiana procedure the doctor inserts a small device into the very opening of each fallopian tube. This device causes the tubes to heal closed with scar tissue.
Adiana was approved for use by the FDA in the early 2000’s but was removed from the health care market by the manufacturer in 2012. Adiana was removed by the company voluntarily and for financial/patent infringement reasons.
Adiana procedures are not being performed anymore and there are many more women who have Essure tubal occlusion than compared to women with Adiana tubal occlusion.
Adiana Reversal Surgery: Can Adiana be reversed?
Adiana causes the tubes to be blocked on the inside of the fallopian tube and in the very beginning portion of the tube. Adiana causes blockage similar to Essure sterilization. This blockage can be reversed using a tubouterine implantation procedure.
Although there are not as many women with Adiana tubal blockage as there are women who have Essure tubal blockage, Dr. Monteith offers Adiana reversal surgery and the success rates of Adiana reversal surgery are comparable to Essure reversal surgery.
More information: Adiana reversal surgery
More information: Adiana reversal baby turns 4
Would you like more information about reversal with Dr Monteith?
A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.
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By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.