“Can You Have A Baby After Falope Rings?”
Posted 4th February, 2012
Many people contact A Personal Choice and ask if it is possible to have a baby after Falope ring tubal ligation. Falope rings, sometimes called tubal rings or tubal bands, can be removed and the remaining tubal segments rejoined to allow pregnancy to occur again. This Pregnancy Report gives an example of the results of this kind of tubal reversal procedure.
Stacie F.
Powell, Wyoming
Doctor who reversed Falope rings: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal: 03/05/2009
Current Age: 34
Ligation Method: Falope Rings
Date of Baby’s Birth: 11/08/2011
Baby’s Name: John Patrick
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 8 lbs 5 oz
Baby’s Length: 19 in. long
Number of pregnancies since TR: 2
Outcome of previous pregnancies: 2 healthy babies born.
More Information on Falope Rings