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Pregnancies 2nd Week July 2008

Posted: 07.15.08
Name: Morna H.
Location: Harwich Essex England
Date of Tubal Reversal: 11th February 2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 15th July 2008
Remarks: We stopped trying this last month because we are getting married on 31st July and fly out to Tobago for 2 weeks honeymoon on the 3rd of August- and we thought it would be bad timing! ever since february we have been using a fertility monitor and this month was the first month we didn’t track everything!

Posted: 07.15.08
Name: Nellie B.
Location: West Palm Beach FL
Date of Tubal Reversal: 1/20/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/12/08
Due Date: 3/25/08
Remarks: This is my 1st month TTC after the last e/p on 5/5/08 (resulting in the loss of a tube). Went for first blooddraw yesterday will let you know the outcome.

Posted: 07.15.08
Name: Deniseea C.
Location: Garfield Heights Ohio
Date of Tubal Reversal: 5/23/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/13/2008
Due Date: 3/22/2009

Posted: 07.15.08
Name: Melanie R.
Location: Allentown PA
Date of Tubal Reversal: 5/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/15/08
Remarks: We waited until July to start trying. It worked the first time! WOW

Posted: 07.14.08
Name: Aurora B.
Location: San Antonio Texas
Date of Tubal Reversal: March 7, 2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: July 12, 2008
Due Date: March 20, 2008

Posted: 07.13.08
Name: Norma Y.
Location: Aurora Illinois
Date of Tubal Reversal: May 27-28 2007
Date of Pregnancy Test: July 12, 2008
Remarks: This is crazy…. I had honestly given up on this. I am 36, had the tubal surgery more than a year.. was trying…unsuccessful and then when I least expected it….bam!!! I really don’t know what to say I am am in complete amazement.

Posted: 07.13.08
Name: Tyffani T.
Location: Vandenberg AFB CA
Date of Tubal Reversal: April 17, 2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: July 12,2008
Due Date: March 21,2009

Posted: 07.13.08
Name: Lynn W.
Location: Arnoldsburg West Virginia
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2006?
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/6/2008
Due Date: 3/ –/2009
Remarks: The doctor I went to wanted to go ahead tomorrow and do an ultrasound so to rule out tubal preg.

Posted: 07.13.08
Name: Amy B.
Location: Marquette MI
Date of Tubal Reversal: 4/28/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/7/08
Due Date: 3/19/09
Remarks: Please call Monday after 2:30 EST or Tues after 2PM

Posted: 07.12.08
Name: Kristina B.
Location: Manheim PA
Date of Tubal Reversal: 9/5/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/12/08
Remarks: I’ve been spotting for a week now, very light, with mild occasional cramps. This morning I took an OTC pregnancy test and it showed a distinct, but faint “+” I am not sure what to do at this point. I don’t have a GYN following me right now (I do have someone I see for my yearly) so I am not sure how quickly I can get in to have the recommended tests. Suggestions? Ironically, I have an appt to see a fertility specialist Aug 5. But I am guessing that is too far away if I have a tubal pregnancy. I’m thrilled, but a little worried about the spotting.

Posted: 07.12.08
Name: Silvia R.
Location: Miami Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2/15/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/12/08
Due Date: 3/16/09

Posted: 07.12.08
Name: Carrie S.
Location: Albany Oregon
Date of Tubal Reversal: 5-20-2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7-12-08
Due Date: 3-16-09

Posted: 07.11.08
Name: Danelle W.
Location: Boiling Springs PA
Date of Tubal Reversal: 05/05/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 07/09/2008
Due Date: 03/12/2008
Remarks: Had blood work for first HCG levels 07/10/2008 – waiting for results, should be back today, 07/11/2008 or Monday.

Posted: 07.11.08
Name: Heidi C.
Location: Charlotte NC
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/17/04
Date of Pregnancy Test: 07/08/08
Remarks: I just received my first blood test results. My level is 44.

Posted: 07.11.08
Name: Betty S.
Location: Gloucester Virginia
Date of Tubal Reversal: May 15, 2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: July 2 2008
Due Date: March 2009
Remarks: My husband and I want to thank you for everything the facility and the doctor did for us. We are so happy but being very cautious as well. I had an vaginal ultrasound on the 10th of July and there was a gestation sac in the uterus. Waiting for the doctor’s appointment on the 17th. Will keep you informed. Thinking very positive about the pregnancy. Didn’t realize it would come this fast. Excellent work from Dr. Berger and everybody from Chapel Hill for making us feel so at ease with everything. Like I said will keep you informed. Sincerely, Betty & Todd S.

Posted: 07.10.08
Name: Dayna B.
Location: Allen TX
Date of Tubal Reversal: 3-20-2005 (I think?)
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/3/2008
Due Date: 3/10/2008

Posted: 07.10.08
Name: Correnia A.
Location: Holden Maine
Date of Tubal Reversal: Feb. 17, 2005
Date of Pregnancy Test: July 2, 2008
Remarks: I did not know where to update information so I am doing it here. I went to the ER on July 1 for abdominal pain. The ER sent me home at 4:40am July 2. Only to telephone me to say they over looked a blood test and that I was pregnant and needed to return for an ultra sound. July 2 I did just that had another blood test and ultra sound. But too late, the ectopic pregnancy was so sever that I had blood in my abdomen. Surgery to remove the Right tube and ovary was performed. I had been seeing other fertility specialists, Dr.Beth Hartog, Portland ME. who referred me to Dr. Samual Pang at Reversal Science Center (RSC)in Boston, MA. The reason for RSC was due to my FSH Level of 26.7 and estrdail level 136. We had already desired to use Donor Eggs and had found a donor. Follow up with my local OB is scheduled for July 18 from the ectopic pregnancy. My local OB is Acadia OB, Dr. Bretta (207) 947-6501. I also need to tell you that my period on June 18 was great bright red color and for 5 days. The one and only month that I was not taking PT Tests and I was pregnant and suffered this horrible fate. I do want Dr. Berger to know that I do thank him and his staff for making it even possible to get to this point in my quest to have another baby. I am very happy to have the ability to afford to use donor eggs and that I am looking forward to my up coming IVF with Donor Eggs and that my husband and I have mourned the loss of our one biological child but look forward to having a child conceived from love with the assistance of donor eggs. I will have the best of both worlds and that is having my husband’s child and being able to birth the child. That would not be an option if we had adopted. My quest continues and my faith does not faultier and we will win the battle to have our beautiful child join our family. Thank you, Correnia A.

Posted: 07.10.08
Name: Anna Christine “Christy” M.
Location: Boone NC
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2-7-06
Date of Pregnancy Test: 6-7-08
Due Date: 3-11-09
Remarks: HCG Quan. today is 615.3

Posted: 07.10.08
Name: Shawna D.
Location: Candor New York
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/24/07
Date of Pregnancy Test: 07/08/08
Due Date: 03/12/08
Remarks: This is our 3rd positive test since reversal. We had an ectopic in February and April but by the grace of god we are pregnant again and hoping for the best. We were not even trying this month and it happened. Thank you Dr. Berger and staff for making this possible. I will keep you posted on what happens from here.

Posted: 07.10.08
Name: Rosa C.
Location: Plainfield IL
Date of Tubal Reversal: 5/29/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/9/2008
Remarks: I did a HPT on the 26 of june and _ i got a negative… The following day june 27 i got my period and it was a normal period. On the 4th of July weekend i went out for a walk and felt horrible, when i got home i was spotting and felt pain on my left side. Because of the long weekend my dr. was out until Tuesday July 8, so i got my app. for wed. July 9, at this point I was bleeding and the pain was getting worse, i went to the ER and that’s when they told me about a TUBAL PREGNANCY. I lost my left tube but my ovary is OK. The good thing that my right one looks really good. I’ll wait a few months before trying again.

Posted: 07.09.08
Name: Terri M.
Location: Llagrange Indiana
Date of Tubal Reversal: 4-3-06
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7-8-08
Due Date: 3-7-08
Remarks: Had my ultra sound on 7-9-08 and everything is where it should be they only said It looked like I had a lot of fluid on my right tube where I got pg from. I don’t know if that is something to worry about or not. Thank you Dr Berger and his staff for everything this is our 2nd TR baby now

Posted: 07.09.08
Name: Deborah B.
Location: Wauregan Ct
Date of Tubal Reversal: 3/1/06
Date of Pregnancy Test: 7/3/08
Due Date: 3/12/09
Remarks: This is TR baby #2!

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