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Pregnancies 1st week November 2009

Posted: 11.07.09
Name: Sandra L.
Location: Wheelersburg, Ohio
Date of Tubal Reversal: March 5, 2005
Date of Pregnancy Test: Sept. 7, 2009
Due Date: May 7, 2010
Remarks: I am just now filling out the Pregnancy Form, because in July 09 I had a blighted ovum, which ended in miscarriage and a D&C. I wasn’t planning, or trying to prevent, another pregnancy. I wasn’t following my cycle. But on Sept. 7 09 thought that I hadn’t had a menstrual cycle since the d&c, so I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I was hesitant to get my hopes up because of what had happened before. I am happy to announce that I am 14 weeks and 1 day as of today and the baby is doing wonderful. Thanks to Dr. Berger and the staff at CHTRC I am looking forward the the birth of TR Baby #3!

Posted: 11.07.09
Name: Dasha N.
Location: Springdale, Arkansas
Date of Tubal Reversal: 9-14-09
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/6/09
Due Date: July

Posted: 11.06.09
Name: Debra E.
Location: Mound, Minnesota
Date of Tubal Reversal: 01/26/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/05/2009

Posted: 11.05.09
Name: Theresa S.
Location: Windom, Minnesota
Date of Tubal Reversal: march 25th 2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/05/2009
Remarks: I still can’t believe that I could get pregnant again after 13 years. I’m so excited thank you for changing my life.

Posted: 11.05.09
Name: Natalie R.
Location: Austin, Texas
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/19/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/05/2009
Due Date: 07/15/2010
Remarks: Very nervous! Just had my TR on Oct 19th (17 days ago!!!!!!!!)…. having my blood drawn today to know what my beta #s are. U/S sched’d for next Thursday with my ob/gyn.

Posted: 11.05.09
Name: Lisa S.
Location: Cumberland, Rhode Island
Date of Tubal Reversal: October 2007
Date of Pregnancy Test: November 4, 2009
Due Date: July 16, 2010

Posted: 11.04.09
Name: Carla Ll.
Location: Blackshear, Georgia
Date of Tubal Reversal: 05/05/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/13/2009
Remarks: I had an ultrasound on 11-03-2009 and we saw the heartbeat and it was awesome, we still don’t have a due date I have to have an ultrasound every week until my dr. is able to measure and make sure everything looks good so I will be going back next week to see what has developed and I will let you know. also I wanted to say thank you to you and your staff so very much.

Posted: 11.04.09
Name: Laura B.
Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Date of Tubal Reversal: 02/08/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/05/09
Due Date: 06/08/09
Remarks: I miscarried 08/09/09 and never got a cycle after the miscarriage. Went to the doctor to find out I was pregnant again. Took my first ultrasound 10/20/09 and was told by ultrasound that I was 7 weeks and I also heard the baby heartbeat and was told everything was looking good. My hcg levels was better this time around as well. 10/02/09 473, 10/05/09 2016 and 10/07/09 4303. I feel better about this pregnancy as well. Thanks you guys for all of your help.

Posted: 11.04.09
Name: Tammy M.
Location: Carbondale, Pennsylvania
Date of Tubal Reversal: 03/19/07
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/1/09
Due Date: 07/09/10

Posted: 11.04.09
Name: Christy P.
Location: Joshua Tree, California
Date of Tubal Reversal: 11/19/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/31/2009

Posted: 11.03.09
Name: Carolyn C.
Location: Dunmore, Pennsylvania
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/16/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/02/2009
Due Date: 07/06/2010
Remarks: We are calling the doctor for blood work today. We are praying for the best, but whatever happens we are so thankful that the choice to conceive is ours again. Thank you Dr. Berger for taking my PTLS symptoms away. That was our primary reason for the surgery. Also, thank you now for the possibility of future children. We will keep you posted on our outcome.

Posted: 11.03.09
Name: Jessamyn A.
Location: Steep Falls, Maine
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2003
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/2/2009

Posted: 11.03.09
Name: Ronda M.
Location: Creston, West Virginia
Date of Tubal Reversal: 03/03/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/24/2009
Due Date: 07/04/2010

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: Jonvia M.
Location: Zachary, Louisiana
Date of Tubal Reversal: 05/05/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 11/02/2009
Due Date: 07/11/2010
Remarks: This is attempt #2. After finding out 1 month after the reversal we were pregnant, and it was an ectopic, we have been blessed with another opportunity. Just confirmed this morning – going to the Dr. for 1st HCG testing this afternoon. Thanks again for everything. Keep us lifted in your prayers that all is well.

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: Jackie S.
Location: Marlton, New Jersey
Date of Tubal Reversal: March 2007
Date of Pregnancy Test: Nov 2, 2009
Due Date: July 12, 2009
Remarks: This is my fifth pregnancy since my reversal. We’re hoping for a sticky bean this time around!!

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: Jennifer A.
Location: Hanover, Maryland
Date of Tubal Reversal: 03/26/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/13/2009
Due Date: 06/26/2010
Remarks: Ultrasound showed the baby is in the uterus and we are good to go! We go for another ultrasound on the 13th of November!! We couldn’t be more excited!!

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: April R.
Location: Boca Raton, Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 12/22/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 9/11/09
Due Date: 5/21/09
Remarks: I had the most pleasant experience at your facility. Everything went very smooth and obviously the reversal worked. Thank you.

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: Deborah Y.
Location: Cape Coral, Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 08/19/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/12/2009
Due Date: 06/19/2010

Posted: 11.02.09
Name: Brandy V.
Location: Copperas Cove, Texas
Date of Tubal Reversal: May 28th 2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: November 2nd, 2009
Due Date: July 8th, 2010
Remarks: We are very excited and hope that we do not have a tubal, praying!

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