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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Pregnancies 2nd Week September 2008

Posted: 09.14.08
Name: Sharon M.
Location: Charlotte NC
Date of Tubal Reversal: 07/29/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 09/14/2008

Posted: 09.13.08
Name: Michele W.
Location: Wellington Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: May 6, 2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: September 11, 2008
Due Date: May 25, 2009 approx.
Remarks: I just found out I am pregnant on Thursday, September 11, 2008. I wanted to inform your office because I have some questions about pregnancy I would like answered. My hCG level was 111 on the test taken September 11, 2008. Additionally, I am having some vaginal bleeding and I am concerned. I do have another hCG test scheduled with my provider on Monday, September 15, 2008.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience. I did speak with a nurse at your office on Saturday, September 13, 2008 at approximately 2:00 pm.

Posted: 09.12.08
Name: Laura M.
Location: Rolla Missouri
Date of Tubal Reversal: 11-29-06
Date of Pregnancy Test: 08-04-08
Due Date: 03-29-09
Remarks: Hello–I had my TR for PTLS. We were not actively trying to conceive and I had actually undergone surgery for a procedure and was apparently a few days pregnant at the time. Oops! When I found out I was pregnant the beginning of August I went in that day for Hcg draws and repeated that three more times.

I also had two ultrasounds with the first showing a sac at 6w2d. I had a second ultrasound at 7w5d and we saw the baby with the heartbeat. I went in today for a regular checkup with my OB doctor and the heartbeat was heard via doppler and she did an in-office ultrasound where we saw the baby kicking and the heartbeat again. I will be 12 weeks on Sunday. While this wasn’t a planned pregnancy it is slowly growing on me and I am more happy/relieved reaching this many weeks and having no complications and then again today seeing the baby/heartbeat. Just thought I’d fill you guys in! Take care!

Posted: 09.12.08
Name: Jennifer M.
Location: Phoenix AZ
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/12/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 09/12/08
Due Date: 05/22/2009
Remarks: I took 2 HPT this evening, one regular, and one digital. We are really excited!! We are so grateful to Dr. Berger and the staff!!! I will be going to the Dr. on Monday to have bloodwork, we are keeping our fingers crossed that everything goes well and we have a healthy baby! Thank you so much!

Posted: 09.11.08
Name: Makesha S.
Location: Pembroke North Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/16/2007
Date of Pregnancy Test: 02/2008
Due Date: 10/17/2008
Remarks: Hey you guys! Just wanted to up date you… I am 35 weeks pregnant with our TR son. I have been on meds to stop pre-mature labor which started on 9/18/2008. It has worked. We are still hanging in there! I actually went a couple weeks ago and had 3D-4D ultrasound photos taken of the baby and boy is he fat. He is not only a miracle performed through Dr. Berger but a healthy miracle. By doc’s opinion we are looking at a 9.5 pounder lil fellow easily. So, again… thanks to all of you and keep up the good work. As long as you guys continue to be obedient in the miracles God uses you for, you will continue to be blessed.

I will continue to keep you guys in my prayers asking God to continue to use you all for his works and to continue to bless all of you!!!! Thanks! I hope to be sending you guys pictures of the new Berger Baby shortly.

Posted: 09.11.08
Name: Celines R.
Location: Rocky hill Connecticut
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/05/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 08/08/2008
Due Date: unknown at this time I’m 5wks 2 days
Remarks: MY appt was yesterday @9:45am w. my doctor’s office called me today to do a vaginal ultra sound, for HCG# is 2700. I have a appt at 2:45 for the ultra sound. I did not get the due date: But she told me yesterday I’m 5wks and a day. Today being 5wks and 2 days.

Posted: 09.11.08
Name: Leah V.
Location: Hudson Wisconsin
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/08/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 09/10/2008
Due Date: 05/13/2009
Remarks: The best way is via email or cell phone. Thanks.

Posted: 09.11.08
Name: Anegla W.
Location: 18407 PA Lackawanna
Date of Tubal Reversal: 9-26-07
Date of Pregnancy Test: 9-8-08
Remarks: Second pregnancy since my tubal.The first was in June. I miscarried July 1.. Hopefully all will go well this the round.

Posted: 09.11.08
Name: Leah V.
Location: Hudson Wisconsin
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/17/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 09/10/2008
Due Date: 05/13/2009
Remarks: I am very nervous about having a tubal pregnancy. Can you give me more information?

Posted: 09.10.08
Name: Jackie S.
Location: New Jersey
Date of Tubal Reversal: 3-15-07
Date of Pregnancy Test: 6-9-08

Posted: 09.09.08
Name: Leticia D.
Location: Dinuba Calif
Date of Tubal Reversal: 3/24/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: June 22 08
Remarks: I became pregnant 1 month after the surgery but lost it at 6 weeks. I got pregnant again the next month but also lost it but this time it was at 3 weeks. The problem isn’t getting pregnant. Its holding it.

Can you give me any info or point me in the direction to see what I need to do? Thanks Leticia D.

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