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Search Results for: "essure"

Tubal Ligation Reversal After 40 | Pregnancy and Infertility

January 29, 2009   ·   No Comments

This article on the Tubal Reversal Blog from A Personal Choice discusses the impact of age upon pregnancy or infertility. Dr. Charles Monteith discusses his experiences practicing high risk obstetrics and the concept of advanced maternal age.

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IVF Alternative | Tubal Surgery

December 31, 2008   ·   No Comments

The tubal reversal doctors at A Personal Choice perform tubal surgery as an alternative to in vitro fertilization (IVF) for treating infertility as well as for reversing sterilization. The advantages of tubal surgery compared with IVF are its higher pregnancy rate, lower cost, and the ability to become pregnant naturally and more than one time if so desired.

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Tubal Ligation Reversal at 46: Patricia’s Story

December 05, 2008   ·   No Comments

Patricia is a 46 year-old entrepreneurial mother of three who traveled to A Personal Choice for her tubal ligation reversal. Patricia describes her reasons for tubal ligation, her remarriage, and her desire to have more children after tubal ligation. She explains the hesitancy she felt about becoming an ‘older’ parent and her decision to have reversal surgery. She also inspires readers by having had an original idea to improve the lives of others, resulting in the development and marketing of a new sports product called the Yackle Ball.

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Anesthesia for Your Tubal Reversal Procedure

June 17, 2008   ·   No Comments

At A Personal Choice, we use general anesthesia for our tubal reversal surgeries. You will be completely asleep thorough your operation. When under general anesthesia you will be totally unconscious and will not be able to feel any pain. In addition to the general anesthetic, your tubal reversal surgeon will place local anesthetic into the skin and deeper structures that are operated upon to help you be as comfortable as possible when you wake up.

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What to Know if You Want Tubes Untied

April 26, 2008   ·   No Comments

Women who want kids after tubal ligation often ask about how to get tubes untied. This report describes how tubal sterilization, often referred to simply as tying the tubes, is performed.

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Consenting to Tubal Ligation During Childbirth

January 15, 2008   ·   No Comments

I received an email message today from a patient that prompted me to write about informed consent for tubal ligation. (See my previous blog about informed consent for tubal reversal.) Here is the message that was sent to me. Hello, Dr. Berger, You performed tubal reversal surgery on me on 10/29/07, and I just found […]

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Case Study: 28 Year Old Mother of 3 Has a Tubal Reversal

December 31, 2007   ·   No Comments

Patient’s History Ana G. was one of the 4 patients I operated on today at A Personal Choice. She is a 28 year old woman from Angola, the mother of 3 children – ages 9, 8, and 6. She married when she was 15 and was in an abusive marriage. To keep from becoming pregnant […]

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What You Can Expect at A Personal Choice

December 13, 2007   ·   No Comments

People like knowing what to expect when they come to A Personal Choice for their tubal reversal procedure by reproductive surgeon Dr. Gary Berger, our Medical Director. We provide a great deal of information about this on our website, in emails and letters, and by telephone. Learn From Others on the Tubal Reversal Message Board Another […]

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Tubal Reversal By Tubal Implantation

December 03, 2007   ·   No Comments

Tubouterine Implantation: Best Procedure For Proximal tubal blockage Implantation of the fallopian tube is inserting the tube through a new opening into the uterus. Tubouterine implantation is correct medical terminology, but it is also called tubal implantation, uterotubal implantation, or uterine implantation. Most tubal ligation operations leave two fallopian tube segments that can be reconnected. […]

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We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Our Facilities

Warm and inviting our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

Birth Announcements

“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

– Saratoga Springs, New York

Birth Announcements

“You are my heroes. We can never thank you enough.”

– Ontario, Canada

Birth Announcements

We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

Birth Announcements

“Ivy is our second Monteith Miracle!”

– APO, Armed Forces Europe

Birth Announcements

“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

– Colorado Springs, Colorado

Birth Announcements

“Thank you for making our dreams come true!”

– Nebo, North Carolina


Ask The Doctor

Your questions about reversal surgery will be answered directly and promptly by Dr. Monteith. Please read our most frequently asked questions before submitting your questions. Dr. Monteith will not respond to general medical questions or if you are a patient of another doctor and are contacting him because your doctor is unavailable.* If you have been a patient at our reversal center and have specific questions about your medical care you should contact the reversal staff directly at (919) 977-5050.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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