Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Contest: Accepting Applications!
The Free Reversal Contest is closed for 2024 and 2025.
Do you want a free tubal reversal surgery? If so then you can stop searching the Internet because you have finally found your chance!

This is not a joke and this is not a scam. Promise!
I… Dr. Charles Monteith… am offering a contest to our website visitors and a chance to win free tubal reversal surgery! Keep reading…
As of January 2020, A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center in Raleigh, North Carolina will be the only place in the world (this is not an exaggeration) where you can qualify for free tubal reversal surgery!
When you search the internet, you will find other websites trying to entice you with the words ‘free tubal reversal surgery‘ but you will soon find most of those pages are a total waste of time.
These websites don’t offer you free anything! They certainly don’t offer you free tubal reversal surgery.
These websites are intentionally misleading and are trying to trick you into viewing paid advertisements.
The people who own the websites get paid money just for showing you ads… even if you don’t buy anything. Sometimes they are financing companies trying to get you to apply for financing so they can charge high interest rates for financing surgery.
As of January 2020, I will be the only tubal reversal surgeon offering free tubal reversal surgery.
My website will be the only website where you will find a real, genuine offer for free tubal reversal surgery.
If you find any other real offers for free tubal reversal surgery after 2020 then those sites have chosen to imitate me and follow my lead!
Just so you know…you heard it here first.
~ Dr. Charles Monteith Medical Director of A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center
Leader In The Field of Tubal Reversal Surgery
A Personal Choice (formerly Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center) has always been a leader and innovator in the field of sterilization reversal surgery. We were the first reversal center to offer:
And now….we are going to offer Free Tubal Reversal Surgery!!!
If you would like to enter our contest to win a free tubal reversal surgery then we encourage you to read this webpage carefully.
If you would like to apply and possibly be selected for a free tubal reversal surgery then submit
a free application found at the end of this page.
Free Tubal Reversal Surgery: Not A Scam, 100% Legit!
For years people have contacted me asking if I provide free or pro bono reversal… and for years I said, “No!”
After several years of continued growth and success, I feel as though God has blessed me. One day, a thought randomly popped into my mind,
“Wouldn’t it be a great idea if I could help a few people out by providing free tubal reversal surgery?”
~ Random thought popping into Dr. Monteith’s head
I know they’re a naysayers and negative people out there reading this and they think this is a scam. Don’t blow it for yourself by thinking this is a scam. If you do think this is a scam and bounce out of here…..then it will only be your loss.
This is not a scam. We are not showing you paid advertising and we are not asking you to finance anything. We are NOT ASKING you for your social security number, credit card information, your bank account number, or any money.
This is for real…100% legit. This is not a scam.
Free Surgery? Come On What is the Catch?
Obviously we cant offer free surgery to everyone. So what’s the catch?
The catch is that this will be a yearly contest. Not everyone is going to win and we wont be able to offer enough free surgeries to satisfy the needs of all who enter the contest.
The following types of surgery are eligible to be offered for free if you win the contest:
- Tubal ligation reversal surgery
- Essure reversal surgery
- Vasectomy reversal surgery
- Essure removal surgery
The screening laparoscopy is not being offered as a free surgery. Only the surgery is free…we will not be paying for your travel, hotel, or food.
Not everyone who enters will be selected but you are welcome to try once each year.
We will offer up to four (4) reversal surgeries every year to those who enter our contest. We plan on offering this contest every year for the foreseeable future.
Watch This Video To Find Clue #1!
To enter the contest you need to watch this video and find CLUE #1! This clue will be one of the answers to the contest questions….come on… we have to have a little fun with this!
What type of pet (with great reluctance) does Dr. Monteith have for his kids?
Hint: This is such an easy question you don’t need a hint.
***Do not call our office and ask staff the answer to this question.***
To find clue #1 watch this video!
Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Contest: How does it work?
Every year we will accept applications for our Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Contest from January 1st to August 31st. The application for the contest can be found at the very end of this webpage.
A committee will select winners the first two weeks of September. Up to four (4) winners will be selected every year.
Contest winners will be notified by email before the end of September and free tubal reversal surgeries will be offered the last business day before the Christmas Holiday.
Please note: Our office is closed every year for the week of Christmas. In general, contest winners will receive their surgeries the Thursday the WEEK BEFORE Christmas.
2023 Contest For Free Reversal Surgery: Important Dates!
- Contest entries will be accepted starting January 1st of 2023
- Contest will be closed for entry starting August 31st, 2023
- Winners must arrive for their surgery consultation Wednesday, December 20th 2023
- Winners must arrive for free tubal reversal surgery Thursday, December 21st 2023
- Winners must arrive for postoperative evaluation Friday, December 22nd 2023
If you are selected as a winner and are unable to arrive on the above dates then you will not be able to take advantage of the free surgery. The surgery dates cannot be changed. You cannot redeem your surgery for cash. You cannot give or sell your surgery to another person.
Free Tubal Reversal Surgery: Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible your application must be selected by our selection committee and you must also meet all of the normal qualifications of our surgery center.
Basically just because you win a contest and the surgery is free does not mean you can break all of our Surgery Center Policies!
Here are the major contest qualifications:
- You must be able to have surgery on the dates we select (see above dates). If you are unable to have surgery on the selected dates above, then we will void your win and cancel your surgery. If you give us enough notice the free surgery will be offered to a runner up.
- You must be able to travel to our center and spend two (2) nights and three (3) days during your surgery. You are responsible for the cost of travel, food, two (2) nights hotel stay, and prescription medications.
- Your Body Mass Index must be below 37 for women and below 45 for men. If your BMI is over 37 (women) or 45 (men) you cannot enter the contest. If you are selected as a winner and show up for your free surgery and your BMI is over 37 for women/ 45 for men then you will not be allowed to have surgery. Your surgery will be cancelled and you will forfeit your free surgery.
- You cannot be severely anemic. Your hemoglobin (HGB) cannot be below 10 and your hematocrit (HCT) cannot be below 30.
- You must be a safe outpatient surgery candidate and pass our phone scheduling interview.
- You are required to have one responsible adult with you over the age of 18. If you don’t have a responsible adult with you then you will not have surgery.
- You must stay at one of the hotels listed on our website. You will need to pay for the hotel.
- You will be required to pay for the cost of travel, two (2) nights hotel, and food during your stay. We are only giving away free tubal reversal surgery…not a free travel experience.
- If you are selected as a winner you must be willing to allow us to use your image, your personal story about tubal ligation and reversal surgery, and brief details about you (city of residence, age, etc) on our contest winners announcement page.
We will ONLY BE PROVIDING free reversal surgery. We WILL NOT BE PROVIDING free travel, food, or hotel.
Please be aware….
- If you are selected a winner then you must have surgery on the days we have identified above.
- You cannot change the date to another day of your choosing.
- If you do not follow our surgery center policies then your surgery will be cancelled and will not be rescheduled for a different date.
- Your free surgery cannot be redeemed for cash and cannot be sold or transferred to another person.
Other Eligibility Requirements
- Only the patient can enter the contest, ie your grandmother, mother, sister, friends, pets, or co-workers cannot submit entries for you.
- You are only allowed to enter one time each year. Multiple contest entries will result in your entry(ies) being deleted from our system (including the original entry).
- If you are unable to have surgery on the selected date you will forfeit your free reversal surgery.
- You cannot change or move the date of your surgery.
- You cannot transfer your free surgery to someone else.
- You cannot redeem your free surgery for the cash value of the surgery.
- If a winner is determined to have entered multiple times then they will be disqualified, they will not be notified, and another winner will be selected.
- If you falsify any medical information you will be disqualified and ineligible for reversal surgery.
If you are unable to meet our eligibility qualifications then you will not be allowed to have surgery…even if you win the contest.
Watch this video to find clue#2!
We can’t make this too easy! Who does not like to have a little fun and figure out a puzzle? You will need to know CLUE #2 to enter the contest.
One of the questions on the Free Tubal Reversal Contest Form requires you watch this video and answer this specific question:
When is Baby Clara’s date of birth?
Hint: Watch the video closely!
***Do not call our office and ask staff the answer to this question.***
To find clue #2 then watch this video. How good of a detective are you?
If you are doubting yourselves then we encourage you to go to our Facebook public page and ask the group members and perhaps they will give you the answers or confirm your answers.
Need a hint: Ask members on A Personal Choice Public Tubal Reversal Facebook Group
Free Tubal Reversal Giveaway Official Contest Rules
Please make sure you read the official rules before you enter. Use the link below and a copy of the rules will open up in a new window.
More info: A Personal Choice Free Tubal Reversal Surgery Giveaway Official Contest Rules
Meet Previous Contest Winners!
Meet the 2023 winners:
Meet the 2022 winner: Free Tubal Reversal Winner 2022
Meet the 2021 winners: Free Tubal Reversal Winners 2021
Meet the 2020 winners: Free Tubal Reversal Winners 2020
The Free Reversal Contest is closed for 2024.