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Patient Comments on Essure Removal Surgery

Patient Comments on
Essure Removal Surgery

What symptoms did you experience after your Essure coils were inserted?

The following were answers provided by survey participants when asked what was the reason(s) for Essure device removal.

  • Everything felt swollen up and I had pain most of the time including a lot of lower back pain.
  • Cramping for weeks at a time, not just during period time.
  • Seemed to kick me into menopause – also depression
  • Emotional and hormonal disturbance and increase in migraine
  • Weight gain
  • Burning in my shoulders, electric pains in my uterus/tubes, bloating, increased symptoms after flying/traveling.
  • Allergic to nickel
  • Major weight gain, horrible itching
  • Gastrointestinal problems, dizziness,
  • Increased gas, extreme fatigue
  • Metallic taste; sores in mouth and throat;
  • Nausea
  • Depression, rage, anxiety
  • General allergic symptoms
  • Demyelinating disease…either TM or MS or both
  • Heavier bleeding during periods
  • Weight gain, bloating. Fatigue, anxiety, vitamin D deficiency and got sick more often
  • I knew Essure was the cause I wanted removal to avoid any further health issues.

Do you have any comments about Essure removal that we can anonymously share with others regarding Essure coil removal?

Respondent 1
I think avoiding hysterectomy was very important for me. I have been slower to heal than many of my peers, but am improving. Once I was able to recover from the surgery and be intimate again, I knew I made the correct choice. Essure was causing pain with intimacy, right off the bat. I thought it would get better after 6-8 weeks, but then it continued and even more mysterious symptoms developed. So glad you could use your gift of removal to help me. Even if I don’t recover 100%, my life has vastly improved over the last 4 months since removal! Thank you Dr. Monteith and staff!

Respondent 2
If you are having any signs of side effects related to the Essure procedure, I highly recommend the Essure removal. I believe it has made a difference in my daily life. I am so happy with my decision about having the coils removed.

Respondent 3
I noticed a difference shortly after the surgery. It was as if a FOG was lifted from me and I could think clear again. My periods became regular and the cramping decreased.

Respondent 4
After doing extensive research about Essure removal I made a decision to have Dr. Monteith do my surgery. I was not comfortable with removal of Essure from my OB doctor who performed the Essure procedure, primarily due to not ever having removed any Essure devices. I felt confident that the Essure coils would be removed safely and I could avoid any possibility of hysterectomy. My symptoms improved immediately and I so happy to be free of Essure in my body. I came all the way from Oregon and have never regretted my decision to have Essure removed.

Respondent 5
Easy recovery, symptoms faded. So thankful to have the coils out!!

Respondent 6
The facility was great as well as the staff. I felt very comfortable being there.

Respondent 7
Essure removal allowed me to determine if my symptoms were caused by another medical condition.

Respondent 8
Even though I have more pain now than I did before, I’m still glad I had them removed. Aside from the pain symptoms, I could feel them in there and I did not like having them.

Respondent 9
Thank you so much. Though, now, I wish I had the fallopian tubes implanted in my uterus.

Respondent 10
The surgery went great but I still have symptoms and I will probably end up with hysterectomy. Also nothing was paid from my insurance due to it being considered a fertility procedure.

Respondent 11
My husband and I pulled funds from our retirement account, paid the taxes and early withdrawal fees, AND WOULD DO IT AGAIN! Dr. Monteith and his skilled team have changed my life!

Respondent 12
I did not know Essure was the cause of my immediate symptoms. After having them removed, I now know it was the CAUSE of the symptoms.

Respondent 13
At the time I had the Essure coils put in I thought it was the best decision mainly because it was quick and there was no down time. It was the new thing in tubal ligation that was supposed to be the permanent solution. In looking back on it now, I regret that decision hugely because it’s a foreign object in my body and of the problems it has caused me. The removal of the coils has made a huge difference in my symptoms, and the knowledge that I no longer have the coils in me that can migrate to other parts of my body. It was the best decision I made in terms of my health and well being both physically and emotionally. I received the most amazing care at your center and I am forever grateful for what you have done for me. I can’t thank Dr. Berger enough for his care and passion in caring for his patients, and making my life so much better!!

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What Would You Like to Schedule?

Tubal Reversal Or Essure Reversal

Vasectomy Reversal

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