Tying Tubes
Many people seem to imagine the fallopian tube is like a shoe lace that is tied in a bow to prevent pregnancy. As a tubal ligation reversal specialist, I wish it were that simple- then reversing tied tubes would be a whole lot easier!
Perhaps a well meaning doctor may have told a patient one day, “I am going to tie your tubes so you don’t get pregnant.” Maybe the doctor wrote a letter to a medical journal explaining the procedure and then the terminology stuck. More likely, a reporter may have simplified the terminology for the surgical procedure of tubal ligation to make a catchy title for an article. Others may then have started using the term “tying tubes” to quickly explain a complex procedure. These explanations often have a long life span and make their way into common language.
The more accurate terminology is bilateral tubal occlusion (closure of both fallopian tubes) which results in sterilization (not being able to conceive). There are many ways to perform bilateral tubal occlusion. The most common tubal sterilization procedure is performed at the time of cesearean delivery (c-section) or immediately after having a baby. It does involve tying the tubes with a suture – but then also cutting out a segment of healthy tube, resulting in closure of the tube as it heals. The suture then dissolves. The intial suture tying is most likely where the phrase ‘tying tubes’ came from.
Another common method is to burn the tubes with electrical energy (electrocoagulation). This is usually done by laparoscopic surgery and is usually done remote from pregnancy. Lastly, there are many devices- clips and bands – which can close off the tubes and cause a portion of the tube to be destroyed.
No matter how the procedure is done, the end result is obstruction of the fallopian tube that prevents pregnancy.
Many people believe that tubal sterilization is irreversible. Although bilateral tubal occlusion is intended to be permanent, the procedure can be reversed. A Personal Choice is the one medical facility that specializes exclusively in reversal of tubal ligation. We have become tubal ligation reversal experts………experts at untying tied tubes!
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith