I had my tubal ligation performed against my will after my third viable birth but fourth pregnancy in five years.
The first resulting in still birth. In February 2003 after the birth of my third son my mother informed me that if I had any more children she would disown me and my husband agreed.
Very reluctantly I agreed and at the time wasn’t thinking much of the decision I had just made. I was only 23 at the time.
In 2008 I became a Christian and my desire for more children was kindled and throughout the years post tubal ligation.
Tubal Ligation Symptoms
I had many tubal ligation symptoms that I could not explain. I wasn’t myself any more.
I asked my husband if we could get a tubal reversal to have more children and he was not on board so I pretty much lost hope and was in a deep depression. I continued to pray to my Heavenly Father and explain to Him my deep desire for more children especially a little girl, being as my first child that I still birthed was a little girl. My three living children are little boys. I felt violated, like I was no longer a woman, and worthless.
Throughout the last three years I have continued to pray but my prayer changed. For a year after my husband expressed his disinterest my prayer changed after many heated discussions and tears my new prayer was…..
“Lord if it be your will for me not to have more children please take this desire from me and if it is your will Lord please make a way.”
Well almost two years passed by and I decided even if my husband wasn’t on board I would like to know if I would even be a candidate for a tubal reversal. Well I started out sending it to a doctor in Indiana. I asked the Lord if it were His will that they would call and say that I am a candidate. Well within a short time the phone call came and the answer on the other end of the phone was …”Mrs. Gasca you are an excellent candidate.” I felt as if at this point The Lord was making the way.
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome: PTLS
Well another year passed by and another heated discussion with my husband left me feeling more helpless than ever. I went to my room weeping and thinking ” How would he feel if he could no longer function as a man?” I was so angry with him because I blamed him for my current situation. It felt as if there was constant friction. As I plopped down on my bed I wept almost uncontrollably.
I picked up the phone and called one of the dear ladies from my church and told her about my situation. She told me to outweigh the positives and negatives of surgery and child bearing at my age. So I proceeded to do so. Google has become one of my best friends so to speak. That is when I discovered PTLS!
Symptoms From Tubal Ligation: Husband Agrees
I was floored to say it lightly. I felt even more violated than ever, lied to and tricked! I began to cry again and spoke with my husband. He agreed that I had almost all of the symptoms and agreed to the tubal reversal. I was so immensely happy! At the same time I found PTLS I found A Personal Choice.
My mind was put completely at ease after reading reviews on the website and researching further. Then came the question….. Where am I going to get the money?
To be continued in the next article: Tubal Ligation, PTLS, Reversal: Mediah’s Personal Journey