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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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New To The Tubal Reversal Message Board

Exchanging Information About Tubal Reversal

The Tubal Reversal Message Board is provided by A Personal Choice to allow women to communicate with each other about tubal ligation reversal. Members of Dr. Berger’s staff also contribute their insights in the message posts. Here is an example of how members help and support each other on the message board in response to a post by a new member. There are many abbreviations members use in their posts. These are explained on our website page Message Board Abbreviations.

Hello, my name Heather Jo and I live in Southern Oregon. I am 28 and already have three great kids – Chris 14, Emily 7 and Bradley 5. I am getting married on 2/29/08 to my soon to be DH Justin (who has no children yet). I had my TL on 5/9/02 after the birth of my youngest son. I hope to have more babies after my TR, which we hope to have done by the end of summer 08. I look forward to being on here and having my questions answered.

Welcome Heather Jo! We look forward to seeing you in the future. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.    Lori RN

Welcome Heather Jo! You are in the right place to have your TR done!! Dr. Berger and the Staff at A Personal Choice are the best.    Veronica

Nice to meet you Heather Jo. I wish you all the best.
TR- shooting for March of 2008    Miranda

Hi, Heather! I hope that all goes well. We are all embarking on a wonderful journey! I am also new and am on the board looking for answers, comfort and support. Take Care,     Cora

Welcome to the board, Heather Jo! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Let me know if you need assistance with the scheduling process. Feel free to ask all the quetions you have….we are all family and the Tr sisters are great at answering questions or just making you feel welcomed.     Ericka Pamplin

Thank You for the warm welcomes. I am a little scared about the whole TR surgery. I know in my heart that I want more children. I know I’m not “done” yet. But being put under and the actual surgery scares me. I know it is worth it, and that’s why I try not to think about all that stuff. I already had my post op report sent to Dr Berger back in 2005, so this has been a couple years in the making for me. I hope to be on the post TR side of things by this time next year! Well again, THANK YOU and best wishes!    Heather Jo

It’s normal to be scared…I think we are all a little scared about the surgery and about what happens next. I’m more terrified of not conceiving than the actual surgery. I know that Dr. Berger and his staff will take excellent care of me. It’s what I have to do on my own that haunts me!!! Good luck,    Cora

Heather- I was scared about getting the TR done. Not just the surgery but everything that went with this major decision. But I am so glad that I did…I had my TR 11/19/07 and I just found out that we are pregnant! We couldn’t be more thrilled!    Jenn

Congratulations. That means a lot to hear about someone having a BFP so soon after their TR. Please keep me updated! TR: March/April…I hope.    Cora

Heather Jo – Hi! My name is Jeannine. I live in Salem, OR and just had my TR last month. It was a great experience. Even my DH had nothing but good things to say about our trip, Dr. Berger and his staff and the whole surgical process. It is worth traveling across the country to do! Good luck with your journey.    Jeannine
TL 4-28-01
TR 11-16-07

It does help to hear about others having a great trip when they got their TR. I am hoping for one in March of 2008.    Miranda

CONGRATS ON BFP! Im so excited for you! I think I am going to lose my mind in this process. I know that I want this done but it seems like I’m trying to convince everyone else around me why I should. A lot of people think that it will be a big waste of money especially since I have had my tubes cut, tied, and burned. I’m sure that I’m not the only person who has had this done and that there are plenty of women who have gotten a BFP after reversing this type of TL. I’m going to plan on the end of this year for my TR. How do you send your reports to CH? What do I send exactly? You gals are great supporters by the way.   Patiently Waiting

I went to the hospital where they did my TL and got a copy of what they did and then my mom faxed it over to CH. It is that easy. Some hospitals will fax it for you if you take and print out the CH release form and take it with you so they know where to send it. It does not take long before you hear back from them with where you stand. I hope this helps. I got the ok from CH. I am going to set my TR up for March 08. Hope to hear how things go with you.    Miranda

Dr. Berger’s staff is great about reviewing your records and getting back with you on your chances for success. They won’t tell you to go ahead with it if there’s no chance of a BFP.   Cora

Welcome Heather- you have made the best decision with Dr Berger. He is truly a blessing and a miracle worker. We are all for you. My surgery was quick- I was in and out of CHTRC in a matter of hours. Good luck with your upcoming marriage.   Melissa
Me: 38
TL: 10/97
TR: 1/12/06
BFP: 2/12/06
EDD: 10/25/06
DS, Brady, our miracle baby, born 10/21/06
8 pounds, 5.8 ounces
21 inches long

Thanks Miranda and Cora – you ladies have been a Godsend. I really appreciate it. I have 2 DS by my husband already but I don’t know why I stopped at 2, plus this PTLS is causing a lot of problems. I can’t wait to have this TR done.   Patiently Waiting

Patiently Waiting ~ I know what you mean…PTLS is cruel. I had said before that my husband keeps mentioning “how I used to be”…but I always strugged it off to him just being a man and us evolving. But, after hearing all the stories from other women, I am beginning to believe that I am suffering from it as well! I hope for a smooth surgery with lots of luck in March/April. I wish you all the best, too.   Cora

I have been wanting to have a TR for about 5 years now. I have 2 boys from a previous relationship and my husband has no children (well, he claims mine and treats them as his) I have talked about TR for years and my husband would never seem interested and then sometimes he would and I would get so frustrated with him thinking he just didn’t want kids with me. He finally started coming around and told me that he was scared and that he wanted to get financially stable before we had the surgery and tried to bring a new baby into the home. So, now I am closer than ever and our intentions are to schedule in March or April this year. I am working on my weight loss now as I have to lose 20 lbs to be under BMI for surgery. I know I can do it within the next 3-4 months and I am trying hard so I can have my TR and start TTC!!!!   Stephcave

Dr. Berger’s Comment

This excerpt is a good example of how women support and inform each other on the Tubal Reversal Message Board regardless of where they are from. Many women might feel they are alone in their desire to have another baby after a previous tubal ligation, but when they participate in the message board they realize that they are not alone at all.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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