Pregnancy is possible after tubal reversal and ablation. This article is a continuation of a series providing information about the possibility and risks of pregnancy after endometrial ablation procedures.
This article continues the advice for women who have had ablation and want to become pregnant.
The previous article, Endometrial Ablation and Tubal Ligation Reversal: Advice, offers medical advice for women who are not having menstrual periods after ablation.
This article focuses on women who have their menstrual periods persists or resume after their ablation procedures.
Tubal Reversal and Uterine Ablation: Light or Normal Periods?
If menstrual periods are light or normal after uterine ablation, then this suggests some of the endometrial lining has either been left intact or regenerated. Tubal reversal and pregnancy could be possible.
Light or Normal Menstrual Period: Advice
Women should consult their doctor and consider having an ultrasound to evaluate their endometrial thickness and a hysteroscopy to evaluate their uterine cavity. An ultrasound can provide a quick assessment of the endometrial layer and a hysteroscopy can provide a quick assessment of both the uterine lining and the uterine cavity.
Asherman Syndrome and Scar Tissue After Ablation
Asherman’s Syndrome is a condition in which scar tissue forms between the uterine walls and compromises the cavity of the uterus.
Scar tissue in the uterine cavity can occur for many reasons, and scar tissue formation in the uterine cavity is a well-recognized complication of endometrial ablation. If scar tissue does form within the cavity of the uterus this can cause spotty or absent menstrual periods, infertility, recurrent pregnancy miscarriage, or preterm pregnancy loss.
After Ablation: Consider a Hysteroscopic Exam
Hysteroscopy is probably the single most important evaluation when considering pregnancy after endometrial ablation.
This is a procedure where the doctor inserts a narrow telescope through the cervical canal and evaluates the uterine cavity for scar tissue and the health of the endometrial lining. During this procedure, the doctor may be able to successfully remove any scar tissue.
Successful Pregnancy After Ablation?
If the uterine lining remains after an ablation and if the uterine hysteroscopy demonstrates a good uterine cavity without scar tissue, then pregnancy is always a possibility with either tubal reversal or IVF.
Readers must recognize that even if all of these factors are optimal after an ablation then no guarantees can be given about the success of any subsequent pregnancies.
Even with a normal lining after an ablation the possibility always exists of damage to the uterine muscle from the ablation. There is no medical test or x-ray, which can predict or diagnose damaged or dysfunctional uterine muscle after ablation.
Reverse Endometrial Ablation?
There is no medical treatment that can reverse the effects endometrial ablation. If menstrual periods have ceased after ablation, then very likely the endometrial lining has been entirely removed. No effective treatments exist to add or replace the lining, even if menstrual periods are scarce or light.
Any treatments to reverse the effects of endometrial ablation should be considered experimental.
Tube Reversal After Ablation
Tube reversal and pregnancy are both possible after endometrial ablation, but only if you are having menstrual periods after the ablation. IVF does not provide any additional benefit over tube reversal for women who have had endometrial ablation.
The tube reversing specialists at A Personal Choice advise women to have an evaluation of their uterine cavity to determine the health of their lining and to diagnoses and treat uterine scar tissue before having tubal reversal surgery. Tubal blockage as a complication of endometrial ablation can be evaluated at the time of the tube reversing surgery.
Although pregnancy is possible after ablation, the effects of endometrial ablation upon pregnancy are largely unknown. Any pregnancy after ablation should be considered high risk and followed by a high-risk pregnancy doctor. Despite all factors being optimal, no guarantees of pregnancy success can be provided.
Readers should familiarize themselves with the concerns of pregnancy after endometrial ablation and the medical studies on pregnancy outcomes after uterine ablation.
Ablation, Tubal Reversal and Fibroids
Our next and final article on tubal reversal and ablation, Endometrial Ablation, Fibroids, and Pregnancy, will share the personal reversal story of Shaunda who came to our center for reversal of Filshie clip sterilization after an endometrial ablation. Her endometrial ablation was done because of anemia due to heavy menstrual periods and uterine fibroids.