Can you experience tubal ligation side effects after a tubal ligation?
Most women will not will not have side effects after having their tubes tied; however, some women will experience major problems.
We recently worked with one such patient who wanted to share her personal story for the benefits of others.
Karen is from Tuscaloosa, Alabama and she traveled to North Carolina to have a tubal reversal to treat her tubal ligation side effects.
Below is Karen’s story…
Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome
I had a tubal ligation performed in 2009 at the age of 30 and after giving birth to two children. Up until this point, I had been an extremely active and healthy individual with no major health problems. I was a collegiate athlete and coach and was accustomed to high energy, long days. I immediately begin experiencing problems after tubal ligation and after two years of searching, an aunt suggested to us that I might be suffering from Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Symptoms (PTLS). Dr. Berger performed my tubal reversal in January of 2011.
Our search to cure my post tubal ligation syndrome, story, and miracle through Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center follows…
Tubal Ligation Effects
My tubal ligation was performed during a C-Section in 2009 following the birth of our second child. We did not have intentions of having any more children and chose this option for birth control so I would not have to take hormones. Within a few hours after the tubal ligation, I began sweating through all of my clothing and hospital bed sheets, changing them five to six times per day. I began vomiting for the following 48 hours and felt severely nauseated.
I was dismissed from the hospital and told these were all normal postpartum symptoms, though I had none of these with our first child.
Tubal Ligation Pain
As time progressed, my symptoms only got worse.
I was having heavy, painful periods every two weeks. I was having severe acne, bloating and swelling of the abdomen, hot flashes and night sweats, loss of appetite, chest pain and numbness in my extremities, hair loss, severe insomnia, migraines, bladder and kidney pain, nausea and vomiting, severe fatigue, joint and muscle pain, and difficulty breastfeeding. I lost all of my pregnancy weight within three months (50lbs) and continued to lose another 35lbs over the course of the following 18 months.
I had never experienced any of these symptoms before.
PTLS Diagnosis
From 2009-2011, my husband and I traveled to numerous doctors in four different states in search of answers.
We consulted many doctors via phone in several other states. We spoke to general practitioners, family doctors, OBGYN doctors, endocrinologists, holistic doctors, medical school faculty, alternative doctors and functional medicine doctors.
I was tested for everything: multiple autoimmune disorders, heavy metal toxicity, hormonal imbalances, thyroid function, anemia, rocky mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease, Celiac disease, vitamin D deficiency, adrenal fatigue, and many, many more. We spent much of our own money and lots of time seeing doctor after doctor that didn’t understand why I was having the symptoms I was having.
Many of these doctors suggested I was just suffering from depression and offered me numerous drugs for depression and insomnia.
Other doctors were certain I was going through menopause early and was possibly developing thyroid issues.
One doctor thought anemia might be causing all of these problems.
We tried several medications, natural hormone treatment, and several herbal and nutritional treatments advised by several of these doctors but saw very few changes in my symptoms. Some caused severe adverse reactions and in turn I have developed thyroid issues as well as a number of nutritional deficiencies, gluten intolerance, and low ferritin levels.
My health was getting worse and worse…
Submitted By Karen A PTLS patient
Undoing Tubal Ligation
Karen’s personal story about undoing her tubal ligation is PTLS Pain: Searching For PTLS Treatment.
Readers interested in more information about Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome treatment are encouraged to call and speak with a Tubal Reversal Nurse for a free tubal reversal consultation.
More personal stories about undoing tubal ligation can be shared on our A Personal Choice Facebook page or on our Tubal Reversal Message Board.