The decision to have a tubal ligation reversal can be a big deal for many women. There are many factors to be considered.
Most of the common questions and answers about tubal reversal surgery, tubal reversal cost, and planning tubal reversal surgery can be found on the website of A Personal Choice.
Once the decision to have a tubal ligation reversal has been made and the reversal surgery has been done, then begins the journey of trying to conceive. This journey for conception will be easy for many and difficult for some.
Last year I found an interesting thread on our Tubal Reversal Message Board. Our tubal reversal patients were sharing advice and there are some very important items of wisdom which they have shared amongst themselves. I thought I would share their insight with others considering tubal reversal surgery or with those trying to conceive after tubal reversal surgery…
Tubal Reversals: “Aunt Flow” And Pregnancy Testing
Do not get excited when you see spotting and think its implantation…it may be “aunt flow” a few minutes later…
I have a lot of bloating EVERY month after ovulation that I start to pee off…so no need to “think” its from being pregnant…
There is no need to waste money on pregnancy tests every month by early testing…
I can make myself “feel” pregnancy symptoms by just wanting it so badly…(nausea, heart burn, bathroom trips, etc)…
Progesterone is what we ALL have after ovulation makes us really hungry and its not that we are eating for two…
Tubal Reversal Support Groups
I’m so thankful I have not shared this journey with anyone except you Tubal Reversal Message Board ladies or else I’d be asked about it all the time and it hurts…
The gift of Dr. Berger and Dr. Monteith go hand in hand with our Savior, Jesus Christ…
With each trial and tribulation of this journey, we grow stronger, wiser and more humble…
Not every reaction we get from others is always what we wanted, but can be what we needed…
We must be prepared.. for what HE puts on our plate, not just what we wanted…
There is not a greater group of God’s Prayer Warriors than right here on this message board.
Loves comes from God and sometimes it hurts…
Tubal Reversal Surgery And Husbands
My husband has more hope than I do and is even more crushed than me when aunt flow shows up…
No matter how much I love my husband and he loves me, I cannot expect him to completely understand my pain…
Sterility or the loss of a child affects the whole family…
Chances of Getting Pregnant After Tubal Reversal
When you get pregnant, you will still wonder what is going to happen next…
Nothing works for everyone, and nothing is the answer. If it was then we’d all have done it and had babies 9 months after surgery…
Each month is just another month for our doctors…but its everything to us as we age and try…
It has taken a lot longer to get pregnant than I ever expected…
I’m open to any possibility of anything if it will remotely help my chances…
Tubal Reversal And Hope
Life, even if lost, is a miracle…
If it took a million tears to make a baby, I’d have dozens of them by now…
Sometimes the only other person I can talk to about my problems is just a few keystrokes away, even though we have never met…
We must remember that the reason we wanted a new baby is that we LOVE SOMEONE!
I am still not giving up in this fight…I know I’m meant to be a Mommy to someone else!
Conceiving After Tubal Reversal: TTC
Interested readers are welcome to visit the original conversation thread on our message board: With TTC…What I have learned…
Readers are also welcome to leave comments on our Chapel Hill Tubal Tubal Reversal Facebook page. We also invite readers to add helpful or inspiring comments about tubal reversal surgery, trying to conceive, or tubal reversal success/failure to this blog article.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith