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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Tubal Ligation Reversal: Planning on Having Tubes Untied

they traveled from new mexico for reversalThis is a continuation of Lauren’s blog about her having her tubes untied through tubal ligation reversal surgery. Lauren and her husband chose to have her tubes tied after having two children.

She gradually grew to regret her decision and began to consider tubal ligation reversal. Her first submission was My Tubal Reversal Story: Lauren’s Journey In Search of Conception.

Her continuation of her quest for tubal reversal surgery continues below…

Tubes Ligated After Two Kids

We really enjoyed our couple time for the three years when we were just Bryan and Lauren. We went out, we went to numerous concerts and now No Doubt concerts are a tradition when they come to town! In early 2000, we decided that we wanted to start a family.

first child before a tubal ligationWe had a formal “ceremony” of dumping my pills into the toilet and within one month, I was pregnant with our first daughter, our beautiful Samantha. Before she was born, we moved into a pretty nice 2 bedroom apartment in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. On April 29, 2001, we brought our beautiful little girl home! She was a blessing and a joy! We had a blast with her!

When Samantha was 4 months old, we found out we were pregnant again!

Nervous but thrilled, we looked forward to a sibling for Sami. Unfortunately, at 10 weeks, our pregnancy ended in miscarriage. It left a deep sadness within our hearts, and after talking about it, we decided to try again. In December, only 2 months after our loss, we were pregnant once again!

We had a scare at 12 weeks, but everything turned out beautifully, and our amazing little Julie was born on August 12, 2002! She was a doll baby!

Tubes Tied After Second C-section

last child before tubes are tiedOriginally, we had talked about having 3-4 children. He came from a family with 4 children, my family is blessed with 5. But, living in such a small apartment, financially strapped, and dealing with unnecessary family stress, we decided that Julie would be our last. So, after my C-section, the doctor performed a ligation and resection tubal ligation. For about a year or two, we were good. But mostly, because we were busy. We purchased land and built a home in New Mexico, close to Bryan’s dad, and moved there in November, 2002. Yes, there were 2 adults, 2 children (Sam was 18 months old, Julie, only 3 months!) and 2 older and feisty kitties! We were nuts!

Tubal Ligation Regret and the Hope of Tubal Reversal

We unpacked and settled into our home. Bryan was offered a job at the grocery store he worked in as a teenager, but now as the Meat Market Manager/Butcher. We were secure and happy. Until, one day in 2004, Bryan came home, and I was crying. I told him I deeply regretted our decision for a tubal ligation, and was desperate to have another baby with him. I didn’t want to sound ungrateful, I was thrilled that I was blessed with two amazing children already. But, being a mother is a gift I am naturally good at-I couldn’t love anyone more! First, we looked into IVF. It was an option we could not afford.

Tubal Reversal Specialist: Experience Counts

We did an internet search, and found A Personal Choice (CHTRC) and Dr. Berger.

two children before mom has tubes ligatedInstantly, I fell in love! I loved his smile. I know, it sounds goofy, but you can just tell if someone is genuine usually just by looking at them! I loved Dr. Berger’s mission, his experience, and education. I felt a positive vibe when reviewing the CHTRC website. The very first thing I did was to email 4-5 ladies from the Baby Testimonials section.

I asked them to tell me about their tubal reversal experiences and how they felt they were treated. All of the responses were loving, supportive and positive. I was so excited!

Submitted By Lauren H.

MeganORmatt on the Tubal Reversal Message Board

Personal Stories Of Tubal Reversal

Readers interested in personal stories and experiences about tubal reversal are welcome to visit our Tubal Reversal Blog. Readers can also follow the ligation reversal journey of another patient Tanya: The Tubal Reversal Journey of Georgia Peach.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

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By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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