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Tubal Ligation Reversal Journey of Georgia Peach: Her Arrival

Tubes Tied And Tubal Reversal Surgery: Patient’s Perspective

tubal-reversal-patient-at-reversal-centerTanya (aka Georgia Peach) contacted A Personal Choice to inquire about sterilization reversal (untying tied tubes). She mentioned being a frequent reader of our Tubal Reversal Blog and expressed an interest in sharing her story about her decision to have her tubes tied, desire to have tubal ligation reversal, and her efforts to conceive after reversal surgery.

This is her fourth blog contribution. Her first was The Tubal Reversal Journey of Georgia Peach.

Tubal Reversal Surgery: My Hotel Check-In

We arrived in Chapel Hill at approximately 2:00 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. We had been driving all night and neither Kevin nor I had gotten much rest. We checked into the Sheraton-Chapel Hill and got settled in, but it was close to five before I was able to go to sleep. My pre-surgery consult was scheduled for 11 a.m. I woke up at 8 a.m. and finally gave up on getting more rest…….. so I got ready for my appointment.

We shared the elevator with a young couple who met with the shuttle driver in the lobby. We overheard them mention Dr. Berger and A Personal Choice, so we decided to follow the shuttle to the surgical center so we would know where to go. After locating the surgical center, we ran a few errands because we had some time to kill. When we got back there were two couples in the waiting area – the couple we overheard at the hotel and another couple who had obviously just arrived from the airport as they had their suitcases with them. We checked in, I signed the credit card slip, and we sat down to wait.

Tubal Reversal Surgery: My Evaluation Before Surgery

Our first stop during the pre-surgery consult was with Dr Hertz, the head of the anesthesiology team. She had called me the week before for a phone consultation. We went over the things we had covered previously and we also signed some paperwork. She examined my airway, listened to my heart and lungs, and answered any questions either my husband or I had. After speaking to Dr. Hertz, we then went to the nurses station where we met Fran.

Fran took my temperature and blood pressure and then she measured my height and weight. We then went to a room where and went over additional paperwork and instructions for my care after the surgery. From there we went to the ultrasound room for a transvaginal ultrasound to check the health of my uterus and ovaries.

Ultrasound: Blocked Fallopian Tubes and Tubal Length?

I asked if my tubes were visible on the ultrasound. I thought the ultrasound would they be able to give me an approximation of my tubal lengths at that point. The answer was no, that the tubes weren’t normally visible on an ultrasound. The fallopian tubes are so delicate the ultrasound won’t pick them up unless they are so damaged that they are swollen or have scar tissue. Only if the tubes are severely abnormal will the ultrasound pick them up. After the ultrasound, we went back to the waiting room to await our turn to meet with Dr. Monteith.

Tubal Ligation Reversal: Dr. Monteith and Nurse Mills


Sarah, one of the nurses, came out to tell us  Dr. Monteith had been delayed and we were welcome to wait or we could come back in an hour. Neither Kevin nor I had eaten, so we decided to explore the mall across the street and come back.

We offered a ride to the couple who had their luggage with them as they obviously didn’t have a vehicle with them, but they decided to wait. We went to the mall, walked around for a bit, then stopped at Chick-Fil-A for lunch. The couple we offered the ride to was there, we chatted with them for a few minutes and offered them a ride back. The husband said they were from New Hampshire and left temperatures in the 5 degree range and they were taking advantage of the nicer weather and enjoying being out in it. They were a pleasant couple. Unfortunately, I didn’t get their names and I’m not sure how her surgery went. So, if you read this – know you were in my thoughts and I hope all is well.

We arrived back at the office to meet with Dr. Monteith. I got a good chuckle when instead of calling my name he called me ” Georgia Peach.” We talked over the surgery, signed more papers, and enjoyed Dr. Monteith’s humor and knowledge. I felt like I was talking to a friend instead of a doctor who sees several patients a week. He really put me at ease with his friendly nature, and my husband liked him as well.

nurse-with-tubal-reversal-patientWe took a moment to take photos for my blog. Dr. Monteith mentioned that Pam Mills (Nurse Anesthetist) really wanted to meet me, which was good as I was dying to meet her also. We took a few pictures outside and waited in the waiting room for Pam. The next time the door came open a small whirlwind of a blond hurtled through with arms wide open.

Finally! A face to go with the person who had been my lifeline. Pam was amazing! I could have sat and talked to her for hours if I could. We got a few pics of us together, and we left, knowing that Dr. Monteith and Pam were still trying to wrap up their day.

Reversing Tied Tubes: The Evening Before

Later that evening, we met a friend of mine from high school who happens to live in the area. We ate at an Italian restaurant called 411 West. The food was wonderful! They have a small plate menu that serves smaller portions, so it was a great way to eat a light dinner the night before my reversal surgery. We returned to the hotel early in anticipation of our big day. I showered, took my Zantac, and went to bed early…. I can’t believe the day of my reversal is almost here!

Submitted by Georgia Peach

The next article by Georgia Peach is Tubal Ligation Reversal: Georgia Peach Crosses Over.

Visitors are welcome to leave comments on the blog for Georgia Peach and/or join discussions with other women on the Tubal Reversal Message Board.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

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