We specialize exclusively in tubal ligation reversal and the surgical repair of blocked fallopian tubes and we frequently receive inquiries from people all over the world about tubal reversal surgery. Many people who are interested in tubal surgery often have common questions when first considering reversal surgery.
We thought it would be a good to share with readers the top 5 questions asked when considering tubal reversal surgery.
Burned tubes: Can burned tubes be reversed?
Burned tubes can certainly be reversed.
Tubal coagulation, or ‘burned tubes’, usually involves applying an electrical current to a small portion of the tube. Most burned tube procedures can be reversed.
At A Personal Choice, we are able to successfully repair at least one tube over 90% of the time. The tubal reversal success rate is approximately 66% in women who have burned tubes reversed.
Is there a weight limit for tubal reversal?
We do not have a weight limit for tubal reversal; however, we do have a Body Mass Index (BMI) limit – the BMI must be less than 35 in order to undergo surgery.
We have a BMI calculator on our website and women can calculate their BMI using their weight and height. If your BMI is 35 or over, then losing weight will allow you to meet the BMI limit at our reversal facility (less than 35).
Am I too old for tubal reversal?
There is no age limit for tubal ligation reversal at A Personal Choice.
With increasing age it is harder to become pregnant, but no one has developed a test that can tell with certainty who will or will not get pregnant at any given age. There is an increased risk of miscarriage associated with older age.
The tubal reversal success rate in women over 40 at our center is approximately 31%. Most of the pregnancies reported to us after 40 are in women between the ages of 40 – 43. The oldest patient to have reported a natural pregnancy to us was 47 years of age.
What are my chances of pregnancy after tubal reversal?
The chance of pregnancy after tubal reversal is excellent for most women. On average the chance of pregnancy is about 70%.
Pregnancy rates are influenced by the type of tubal ligation and the age of the patient. The chance of pregnancy can be as high as 80% for women under 30 and as low as 30% for women over the age of 40. With the tubal clip procedures the chance of pregnancy can be as high as 90% for women under 30.
The chance of pregnancy with IVF (the alternative treatment for tubal reversal) averages about 35% per cycle.
Cost of tubal reversal: Does insurance pay for tubal reversal?
Tubal reversal costs between $5,400-5,900 at A Personal Choice at the time of this publication. We are one of the most affordable centers and we are dedicated to tubal surgery exclusively. When patients investigate this issue they will find it cheaper to travel to us for tubal ligation reversal rather than having reversal in their home town.
Most health insurance plans, unfortunately, do not pay for tubal reversal surgery.
Information on tubal reversal
For more information on tubal ligation reversal, readers are welcome to visit the A Personal Choice website or call (919) 968-4656 to have a free tubal reversal information session with a Tubal Reversal Nurse specialists.
Readers are also invited to join our Tubal Reversal Facebook page.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith