Tubal ligations can also be performed with tubal rings, or bands, designed to cause permanent closure of the fallopian tubes. These bands are placed across each fallopian tube and cause permanent tubal blockage and prevention of pregnancy.
Tubal rings are usually placed on the tubes during a laparoscopic procedure (small camera placed into the belly button) well after a pregnancy has been completed.
Tubal rings, like tubal clips, damage minimal amounts of the fallopian tube. Reversal of tubal rings can provide a patient with an excellent chance at becoming pregnant after reversal surgery.
Tubal ring tubal ligation
The tubal ring is a small silastic band placed around a small loop of the fallopian tube. There are several designs of tubal rings: Falope ring, Yoon ring, and Lay loop. Although slightly different they all perform in a similar fashion.
With the tubal ring method of tubal ligation, the ring is placed across a small segment of each fallopian tube. The ring then constricts tightly across the small segment of fallopian tube. As the ring constricts, the small segment of fallopian tube is deprived of its blood supply and this small segment eventually dissolves and is replaced with scar tissue.
After the segment is replaced with scar tissue, the remaining healthy tubal edges separate and heal closed. The ring then serves no purpose after the tubal edges have separated and healed closed.
Removing tubal rings
Many people mistakenly believe tubal rings can be reversed simply by removing the rings and ‘unkinking’ the tube. Unfortunately reversal of tubal rings is not that simple.
The tubal rings must be removed, the closed edges of the tube reopened, and the tubal edges rejoined though microsurgical tubal reversal. Because the rings damage a small amount of fallopian tube, tubal ring reversal can provide excellent chances of becoming pregnant after tubal reversal surgery.
The chance of pregnancy after reversal of tubal rings at our center is approximately 76%.