There are two reasons women have blocked tubes: intentional and unintentional. The most common reason for having blocked tubes is from an intentional tubal ligation procedure.
Tubal ligation is more commonly known as ‘having ones tubes tied’. If you have had your tubes tied then they have been intentionally blocked.
Once the tubes have been blocked then the chance of pregnancy is very low unless you have a failure of the procedure or a tubal reversal surgery to remove the tubal blockage.
The first article in this series was Blocked Tubes: What Can Be Done?
The next several articles will explain the treatments for both types of tubal blockage. This article will focus on the most common reason for tubal blockage: tubal ligation.
If you have tubal blockage from a tubal procedure and want it reversed then continue reading.
Blocked Tubes: Many Ways
There are many ways to block the fallopian tubes. No matter what procedure is done the same outcome is achieved. Tubes become blocked and do not allow the sperm to get to the egg. If the sperm and the egg are prevented from uniting then pregnancy will not occur.
How Are Tubes Blocked?
There are many different procedures to block the fallopian tubes. Below is a comprehensive list with links to more detailed descriptions about each method:
Pomeroy and Parkland (cutting tying)
Tubal coagulation (tubal burning)
Tubal rings and tubal clips
Essure and Adiana
How Are Tubes Unblocked?
Fallopian tubes can be unblocked after a tubal ligation by two main surgical procedures: tubotubal anastomosis and tubouterine implantation.
The type of reversal procedure depends upon which method was used for the woman’s tubal ligation procedure.
Unblocking Tied, Cut, And Burned Tubes
These procedures can be reversed because most of these procedures involve tying, cutting, or burning the tubes in the middle.
These tubal ligations can be reversed with a tubotubal anastomosis procedure.
During a tubotubal anastomosis procedure the closed ends of the tube are open and rejoined.
The chances of pregnancy after tubal reversal averages 60-70% for most women who have a tubal reversal at A Personal Choice.
Unblocking Tubes After Essure Or Adiana
The Essure and Adiana procedures cause the tube to become blocked just as it enters into the wall of the uterus. The blockage is the result of scar tissue which forms after the procedure.
Essure and Adiana tubal blockage can be reversed with tubouterine implantation procedure.
During this reversal procedure the blocked section of the tube is bypassed. The remaining healthy fallopian tube is inserted into the uterine cavity in a new location and natural pregnancy can then occur.
The chance of pregnancy after a tubouterine implantation procedure is approximately 50%.
Treatment For Blocked Tubes
Treatment for blocked tubes does exist. If the tube has been intentionally blocked from a tubal ligation procedure then the two advanced surgical techniques described above can treat the tubal blockage. Dr. Gary Berger and Dr. Charles Monteith specialize in these surgical procedures at A Personal Choice and their work allows patients to have an alternative to in-vitro fertilization (IVF).
Blocked Tubes From Scar Tissue
A less commonly known form of unintentional tubal blockage occurs when scar tissue forms inside or around the fallopian tubes. The next article will explain the causes of unintentional scar tissue blockage and explain the two surgical procedures used to reverse tubal scar tissue blockage.